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Going to college can be an exciting opportunity for students to discover new interests, live independently, and develop self-advocacy skills. All college students deserve to have a fun and fulfilling experience, and that includes those who are autistics. 

OAR’s Finding Your Way: A College Guide for Students on the Spectrum was created to help autistic students become better prepared for college life and academics. Finding Your Way offers practical advice from experts, powerful narratives from self-advocates, and many resource tools. 

The guide answers frequently asked questions such as:

  • What are the differences between high school and college?
  • What is self-advocacy and why is it important?
  • What is the disability services office and how will it help me?
  • What are some effective strategies in creating and maintaining a set routine?
  • How can I make and keep friends?
  • With so many classes, activities, and chores to do, how do I stay organized?

OAR supports high schools, transition programs, and autism college support programs by providing copies of Finding Your Way. Program coordinators are encouraged to use the guide to reinforce discussions and existing curricula; students are encouraged to use them as reference tools. Anyone interested in receiving hard copies of the guide can place an order through OAR’s online store. For bulk orders, contact OAR at programs @ 

The guide has a companion microsite called College Central, which provides up-to-date resources and information about existing support programs, scholarships, and more. The website includes quizzes that students can take, such as: 

College Central is continually expanding and being updated. If you wish to contribute your personal story, academic strategies, or resources to the website, please email programs @ with the subject line “College Central Submission.”