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VolunteerAs a youth education leader, you can help OAR tackle misconceptions about autism and encourage students to work with and befriend those with autism. The beginning of the year is an ideal time to launch the program in order to build a positive community of acceptance and diversity, all while fostering a more inclusive learning environment for students on the spectrum. OAR provides all the lesson plans and materials you need to teach elementary and middle school students in the general population about autism.


What Does the Ideal Youth Education Leader Look Like?

get-involved-k4k-class kfk kit for kids outreachYouth education leaders are typically those with the strong leadership and communication skills required to introduce the Kit for Kids program to their local school and guest teach in the classroom. While the ideal volunteer is a role model student, OAR welcomes parents, educators, and administrators to also apply.

All youth education leaders are eligible to receive a volunteer t-shirt for their service and a certificate of excellence for outstanding work.


Additional Volunteer Opportunities

If you are looking for other ways to volunteer, consider these positions:

  • Autism materials distributors: Share OAR informational materials about autism with parents during individualized education program meetings, new general education teachers during professional development, parent groups, and school libraries.
  • Blog contributors: Do you have a personal connection to autism and want to share your story or advice about autism? Consider contributing to our weekly blog.
  • Newsletter contributors: Write timely news reports from the autism community or share your expert knowledge through The OARacle’s How To feature.
  • RUN FOR AUTISM volunteers: Assist staff during expo and marathon events.

Much of what OAR does is made possible thanks to the generous time and support of volunteers. If you are interested in joining our cause, please contact If you know someone who is interested in volunteering with OAR, please share this flyer.