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ParentsGuideToResearchOAR is currently seeking volunteers to review an updated draft of its guidebook, Life Journey Through Autism: A Parent’s Guide to Research. Research has shown that the earlier a child with autism is diagnosed and begins receiving treatment, the greater the potential for more positive outcomes in life. Thus, the first step in helping these children is to equip their parents with as much high quality, evidence-based information as early as possible. To that end, OAR developed A Parent’s Guide to Research in 2003 to offer parents the tools they need to understand their child’s diagnosis and make more informed treatment decisions.

But much has changed since then, and a new generation of parents must learn to be critical consumers of information in the online space. Since January, OAR has been collaborating with members of the Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute to update the guide and ensure it contains the most relevant and current information for parents as they begin to embark on their journey with autism.

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OAR is seeking volunteers to review the guide and provide constructive feedback prior to publication. Potential reviewers include:

  • Parents of children with autism
  • Special education teachers, coordinators, and directors
  • Researchers who specialize in the topic of autism spectrum disorders
  • Autism professionals including but not limited to psychologists, speech therapists, and behavioral specialists who have a strong working knowledge of autism research

The two-week community review period is expected to take place in early May. OAR will make final changes to the guide based on community feedback and publish the updated guide over the summer. All reviewers who contribute meaningful suggestions will be acknowledged in the guide and receive a paperback copy as soon as it is available. Those interested in serving as reviewers can sign up here.

To date, A Parent’s Guide to Research has reached the homes of more than 15,000 families. OAR provides this and all of its information resources free of charge, both in paperback form and as online downloads. The development and production of this resource is made possible thanks to the generous support of the American Legion Child Welfare Foundation. For questions or comments, contact OAR at