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OAR is proud to announce the 2017 Applied Research Competition study topics and grant recipients. OAR received 150 submissions during the preproposal round and invited 56 applicants to submit full proposals. Only 25 full proposals advanced to the final round. OAR’s Board of Directors authorized funding for six grant recipients recommended by the Scientific Council from those 25 full proposals. These new grants totaling $176,090 bring OAR’s total research funding to over $3.6 million since 2002.

OAR congratulates the 2017 Applied Research Grant recipients:

Development and Pilot Testing of a Pedestrian Skills Assessment with Enhanced Virtual Reality Experience

Principal Investigator: Cecilia Feeley, Ph.D.

Institution: Rutgers University

Students and Teachers Actively Reading Together

Principal Investigator: Veronica P. Fleury, Ph.D., BCBA-D

Institution: University of Minnesota

Parent-Mediated Mobile Health Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder in Peru

Principal Investigator: Robert Gilman, M.D., Michael Powers, Psy.D., and Mirko Zimic, Ph.D.

Institution(s): Johns Hopkins University and University of Peru

Step It Up: Increasing Physical Activity for Adults with ASD and ID through Self-Management

Principal Investigator: Kara Hume, Ph.D., and Melissa Savage, Ph.D.

Institution: University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill

EMT in South Africa: Training Speech Language Therapists in Early Intervention for Children with ASD

Principal Investigator: Ann P. Kaiser, Ph.D.

Institution: Vanderbilt University and University of Cape Town

Building Community Capacity: Evaluating a Distance Training Model for Underserved, Rural Areas

Principal Investigator: Sarah Rieth, Ph.D.

Institution: San Diego State University


Read more about the newly funded studies. Beginning with this month’s issue, OAR will feature a research preview of each study in “The OARacle.”