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Finding Your Way is available for pre-order.
Finding Your Way is available for pre-order.

Adjusting to the unstructured freedom that comes with attending college can be difficult for anyone, but for young adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), the college experience can be especially challenging. In addition to learning to lead independent lives juggling social and academic demands, students with ASD have limited services and accommodations to support their social, communication, and executive functioning needs. To address this issue, OAR is publishing a new guide called “Finding Your Way: A College Guide for Students on the Spectrum.” It is currently available for pre-order and will be released by January 25.

This is the first guide in OAR’s assortment of information resources that is written for individuals with ASD as the target consumer. “Finding Your Way” contains personal accounts written by self-advocates, evidence-based strategies shared by researchers, and resource tools designed to help college students with ASD assess their needs for independent life on campus.

Specifically, the guide addresses topics such as:

  • Changes in disability supports from high school to college
  • Self-advocacy and disclosure
  • Academic supports and accommodations
  • Establishment and maintenance of daily routines and structure
  • Social relationships and conflict resolution
  • Jobs, internships, and financial aid

OAR extends its gratitude to the following individuals who shared their invaluable feedback during the development of “Finding Your Way”: Julia Bascom, Peyton Berardi, Susan Berardi, Michael John Carley, Erin Clemens, Monique N. Colclough, Ph.D., Tucker Collins, Amber Dorko Stopper, Scott Fowler, M.Ed., Melissa Hochberg, M.Ed., Capri Kowsky, Eileen Krimer, Emma Lacombe, Russell Lehmann, Karen Levi, Beth Loughner, Jamie T. Malloy, Molly M., Haley Moss, L.O., Nika Peng, M.Ed., Tabitha Ramminger, M.S., BCBA, Elizabeth Roberts, Psy.D., Ron Sandison, Susan M. Schultz, Ed.D., Erick Soricelli, Robin Weisman.


Pre-Order the College Guide

If you would like to pre-order a hard copy of the guide, please click here. If you would like to receive a digital PDF copy of the guide once it is released, please contact programs at with the subject line: “Please send College Guide PDF.”