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NavigatingTheSpecialEducationSystemParents know the challenges that come with advocating for their children with autism. One of the most important ways to support them is for parents to communicate regularly and clearly with school administrators to ensure that their child’s academic and social needs are being met to the fullest extent possible in the least restrictive environment. Special education is a collaborative process that involves participation among parents, the student, the school, and professionals.

The exact roles, timeline, and rights parents have as participants in the special education system may not be clearly laid out. OAR provides a free resource to help parents better understand the process: “Life Journey Through Autism: Navigating the Special Education System.” The guidebook, published in 2012, arms parents with helpful tips and advice, including these topics:

  • Special education laws and regulations
  • Timeline of services
  • Individualized Education Programs (IEPs)
  • Ten steps for disagreeing with your school district
  • Tools and glossary of terms

“Navigating the Special Education System” can be conveniently accessed as an online PDF or ebook (Kindle, Nook, and Kobo). Parents can also order hard copies to keep or share with other parents. For bulk order requests of three or more, please contact with the subject line “Bulk Order Nav Sped Guide.”