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autism-tunedinAutism Awareness Month is a perfect time to foster peer acceptance and inclusion in schools. Widespread misunderstanding of autism is a common issue in schools across the country, which can in turn lead to a host of larger discriminatory issues like social isolation and even bullying.

Last April, OAR released the interactive learning program, Autism Tuned In, an online extension of our successful “Kit for Kids” educational resource. The online program includes eight modules, each with short animated videos and activities that reinforce student understanding of autism in a fun and engaging way.

Since its launch in 2012, the “Kit for Kids” has been highly successful in its mission to promote respect, kindness, and acceptance of school-aged children with autism. As an extension of this already popular program, Autism Tuned In aims to increase the reach of and expand upon the messages presented in the Kit by making them even more accessible.

With the inclusion of several modules consisting of online activities and games, Autism Tuned In makes educating children in grades K-8 on the important topics of autism, tolerance, and inclusivity not only easily accessible but also versatile and fun. Because this software is on an online platform, teachers can assign modules as either classwork or homework. The e-learning tool also directly involves educators by allowing them to track student progress and give out rewards that OAR offers free of charge.

OAR hopes that, with these two educational resources, all of us together can help to foster a more accepting and inclusive community for the generations to come.

If you are an educator looking for engaging tools to help educate your students on the topics of autism and tolerance, Autism Tuned In may provide a great opportunity to include more awareness and acceptance of autism in the classroom curriculum. If you are a parent, friend, or loved one of a child with autism, please reach out to this student’s educator(s) to see if they would be interested in implementing this resource.

OAR encourages you to spread the word about Autism Tuned In with as many educators as possible. Download hard copies of the “Kit for Kids” components or order them from OAR’s website. For questions, comments, or bulk orders, please contact OAR at 703-243-3466 or