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Self-Advocacy Hub

Self-Advocacy in College

Self-advocacy (n.) is an individual’s ability to effectively communicate, convey, negotiate or assert his or her own interests, desires, needs, and rights.  It involves making informed decisions and taking responsibility for those decisions (VanReusen et al., 1994). Self-advocacy skills can be learned, and are crucial to develop in order for you to gain independence and make important decisions about your own life.

Disclosure and Accommodations

Deciding whether and how to disclose your autism can be a very personal and complex process. In college, disclosure is a form of self-advocacy as you choose to request the supports you need to be successful. This three-part series breaks down the steps for figuring out if disclosure is best for you, effectively disclosing your autism in college, and advocating for the accommodations that will help you be successful.

Deciding Whether to Disclose

Use this guide to decide if disclosure is right for you and how to make and practice your own disclosure plan.

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Obtaining Accommodations

If you disclose to your college’s disability office, follow these steps to obtain supportive accommodations.

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Advocating for Accommodations

After you are approved for accommodations, you may need to advocate for them to be provided.

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External Resources

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