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ParentsGuideToResearchWhen parents first learn of their child’s autism diagnosis, they may feel overwhelmed with the need to learn about the details and complexities of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). They have to not only educate themselves about the medical details, but also the range of treatment options available. Understanding a complex disorder such as autism can be difficult because it often requires the ability to find evidence-based research and interpret the scientific terms that are used.

OAR developed A Parent’s Guide to Research to help parents do just that. The guide provides foundational information about how to evaluate and understand autism research. It includes:

  • A glossary of terms
  • An overview of scientific research
  • Tips and information to help parents determine if a study is pertinent to their child
  • Questions to ask about evaluating research studies

The guide’s goal is to help parents find the information they need to understand autism research better and learn how to navigate research studies.

The free guide can be downloaded in either English or Spanish or ordered as a printed publication. OAR encourages parents to use it themselves and share it with their community.

OAR will soon be revising “A Parent’s Guide to Research,” which was written in 2003, to ensure it continues to provide current and relevant information for the autism community. If you are interested in contributing to the revision process, please contact OAR at