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In addition to its function as a job board for those on the autism spectrum who are seeking employment, Hire Autism also houses a Resource Center to support its users. The Resource Center provides information for both job-seekers and employers.

Businesses posting jobs on the site can view basic information about autism, the interview process, and possible workplace accommodations.

Individuals on the autism spectrum can use the Resource Center for resume and interview preparation advice, as well as information on transportation and understanding how to dress for a position. After being hired, individuals can still look to Hire Autism for tips on how to be effective workers and maintain their jobs long term.

Resources for job posters include:
  • Interviewing Your Applicant with Autism
  • Training Your Employee with Autism
  • The Autism-Friendly Workplace
Resources for job seekers include:
  • Preparing for an Interview
  • Workplace 101
  • Maintaining Long-Term Employment

Hire Autism is currently being tested in Northern Virginia, but job seekers and employers in need of information regarding hiring and employing individuals on the autism spectrum can access and benefit from these resources regardless of location.

To learn more about how you can get involved with Hire Autism, contact