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Last month, OAR hosted a Health Webinar Series that examined critical health care issues faced by young autistic adults. If you missed these live events, don’t panic. All of OAR’s webinar events are available online.

Stay tuned to The OARacle over the next few issues as we dive deeper into mental health challenges that disproportionately affect the autism community.


Health and Health Care in Autistic Children and Adults

Jessica Rast, MPH

On April 1, Dr. Jessica Rast highlighted key findings from the A.J. Drexel Autism Institute’s latest National Autism Indicators Report on Health and Health Care (Rast et al., 2020). Some specific concerns she called attention to include limited health care services among transition-aged youth, limited availability of adult health care providers, and disparities in services.

Do you know the answer?

According to a study conducted in California (Zerbo et al., 2019), [less than 40% / approximately 60% / or more than 70%] of healthcare providers surveyed reported needing more resources and communication training to support their autistic patients.

To find the answer, watch the archived presentation or read the full National Autism Indicators Report on Health and Health Care.


Mental Health Priorities and Suicide Prevention: Addressing Needs of Autistic Adults

Teal Benevides, PhD, MS, OTR/L, and Lisa Morgan, M.Ed., CAS

On April 7, Dr. Teal Benevides gave an overview of her research team’s findings from the PCORI-funded research project, Priority Setting to Improve Health Outcomes: Autistic Adults and Other Stakeholders Engage Together (AASET).

Lisa Morgan discussed some important considerations to take when assessing and supporting autistic individuals experiencing suicidal ideations and behaviors. For in-depth considerations of warning signs and ways to understand an autistic person in crisis, see the Autism Crisis Supports Toolkit and Considerations of Warning Signs Resource.

Do you know the answer?

According to a study conducted in 2018 (Cassidy et al.), [less than 40%, approximately 60%, or more than 70%] of newly diagnosed autistic adults reported suicidal ideation compared to 17% in the general population.

To find the answer, watch the archived presentation.


The AASPIRE Healthcare Toolkit: Improving Healthcare for Autistic Adults

Christina Nicolaidis, MD, MPH

On April 15, Dr. Christina Nicholaidis discussed a range of topics including healthcare disparities, barriers to healthcare, patient-reported healthcare experiences, and provider knowledge of autism. Dr. Nicolaidis also discussed the research development and uses of the AASPIRE Healthcare Toolkit.

Do you know the answer?

[Less than 40%, approximately 60%, or more than 70%] of healthcare providers felt confident in helping autistic patients stay calm.

To find the answer, watch the archived presentation.