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News and Knowledge

OAR is recruiting volunteers interested in supporting its ongoing initiatives, including peer education, newsletter and blog writing, and community resource distribution:

  • VolunteerCommunity outreach and education volunteers: Share OAR informational materials about autism with neighbors, parent groups, first responders, schools, clinicians, and more.
  • Blog contributors: Share your personal journey with autism on OAR’s blog and on the Hire Autism Web site.
  • Graphic designers: Support OAR’s social media presence and enhance its main websitewith high-impact visuals.
  • Newsletter contributors: Write news reports from the autism community or share your expert knowledge through The OARacle’s How To section. Take a look at past newsletters for ideas.
  • Youth education leaders: Serve a critical role in raising awareness and acceptance among K-8 students by teaching them about autism using the Kit for Kids program. Educators and high school guidance counselors can engage their high school students to participate by sharing this flyer.

If you are interested in joining OAR’s team as a volunteer, you may begin by applying online. For more information about OAR’s volunteer program, please contact