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OAR’s fall 2023 webinar series, Autism in the Workplace, focused on practical strategies, tools, and accommodations for supporting autistic employees. If you weren’t able to make it to the live events, you can access the archived webinars on OAR’s website: 

Live Webinars Highly Rated by Attendees

A total of 390 registrants attended the live webinars. Of the 200 participants who provided feedback, 97% percent reported the content as being helpful and relevant to their needs. One person who attended Lost in Translation: What’s Missing in the Strengths-Based Approach for Autistic Workers webinar said, “This has been one of the best webinars I’ve ever attended. AJ was clear and gave examples.” Someone who attended Autism Inclusion in the Workplace Panel webinar said, “This was truly excellent, thank you to all involved in organizing this, and the moderator and panelists. Amazing job!” 

OAR thanks the presenters and panelists for sharing their expertise on these important topics. 

More Webinars Coming this Spring

Stay tuned for updates on our next webinar series coming this spring. To suggest future topics or provide general feedback on OAR’s webinar program, please contact us at