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News and Knowledge

September: Back to School Webinars

Supporting Paraprofessionals to Implement Functional Communication Training to Address Challenging Behavior: Practical Guidelines for Training Paraprofessionals

September 16, 2021 at 2:00 PM EDT

Presented by Virginia Walker, PhD, BCBA-D, and Megan Carpenter, M.Ed.

Dr. Walker and Ms. Carpenter will offer practical guidelines to supervise and train paraprofessionals on how to deliver behavioral supports among autistic students with complex communication needs. They will also provide an overview of their OAR-funded research study, “Training Paraprofessionals to Implement FCT with Students with Autism Who Use AAC.” Register today for this event!



September 29 at 2pm EST AIR-P WebinarFamilies of Children with Neurodevelopmental Disabilities: Lessons Learned from COVID-19

September 29, 2021 at 2:00 PM EDT

Presented by Priyanka Fernandes, MD, MPH; Candace Gragnani, MD, MPH; and Denise Nunez, MD, MPH

Researchers from the Autism Intervention Network on Physical Health (AIR-P) will discuss ways to assist autistic students during virtual or hybrid education and offer suggestions for maintaining physical health. Register today for this event!


October: Employment Webinar Series

OAR is marking National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) by offering these webinars.


Abil-IT: Changing Lives

October 7, 2021 at 2:00 PM EDT

Presented by Michael Lumpkins, Abil-IT Program Coordinator, Melwood

Learn how Melwood’s 14-week Abil-IT program (Upper Marlboro, MD) supports career development among autistic individuals and other young adults with differing abilities. The Abil-IT program trains its participants on essential soft skills, technical instruction, job assistance, job placement, and more. Don’t delay, register today!

This webinar has been cancelled.



Preparing Young Adults for Employment: Empowering Disabled Young Adults to Take Charge of their Transition Out of High School

October 14, 2021 at 2:00 PM EDT

Presented by Christina Eagle, Coordinator, Program for Employment Preparedness (PEP), Arlington Public Schools

Ms. Eagle will explain how the Program for Employment Preparedness (PEP) located in Arlington, VA, empowers young adults with skills necessary to be successful in employment and transition planning. She will also offer practical strategies that help students identify their interests and prepare for employment. Don’t delay, register today!



Employment Supports for Transition-Aged Autistic Youth: How to Support Autistic Young Adults in the Workplace

November 17, 2021 at 2:00 PM EDT

Presented by Jennifer McDonough, MS, CRC, and Alissa Brooke, MS, CRC, PBSF

Transition-aged autistic youth face numerous barriers to employment as they exit the school system. Teaching both employment and social skills in real work settings is key to a successful transition into the workforce. Ms. McDonough and Ms. Brooke will discuss successful workplace supports to assist individuals in obtaining and maintaining community integrated employment. Don’t delay, register today!


About OAR’s Webinar Program

OAR offers live webinar events for autistic individuals, their parents, educators, and other professionals who support them. The webinars are free and include a Q&A session. Those who attend the live events will receive certificates of attendance.

To suggest future webinar event topics or general feedback on OAR’s webinar program, please contact us at webinar@