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Support for Educators

School is critical for autistic students to develop academic, social, and life skills necessary for independence. Are your students supportive and understanding of their autistic classmates? Are you comfortable addressing challenging behaviors in the classroom?

Next to family and friends, few people have a greater influence on children than their teachers. OAR offers free resources and grant opportunities to educators to help support autistic students in the classroom and foster a positive classroom culture of acceptance.

Support Autistic Students in the Classroom

Basics about Autism

What is autism? What is causing the increase in autism prevalence? What does it mean for a student to have Asperger Syndrome? What is the differences between the DSM-IV and DSM-V?

Autism 101

Teaching Students with ASD

Your classroom is already a diverse place. With the rising inclusion of autistic students in general education settings, the challenges associated with managing a classroom will grow.

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Teaching Students with AS

Having a child with Asperger Syndrome (i.e. level 1 autism) in your class will have a different impact on your classroom environment than having a child with classic autism.

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Individualized Education Plans

What is an Individualized Education Plans (IEP)? Why use IEP? How can I help? What is the IEP team and how does it work? What type of information can I find in an IEP?

IEP 101

Transitioning Back to School

The beginning of a new school year is a demanding time for teachers. The transition can be especially challenging when working with autistic students.

Transition Tips

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