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OARacle Newsletter

Adeline Hahn Joins OAR’s RUN FOR AUTISM Staff

Please welcome OAR’s newest employee, Adeline Hahn. Hahn joined the staff as a RUN FOR AUTISM coordinator at the end of September. What she noticed right away was the passion for OAR’s mission that everyone from the staff to the runners has. “I love meeting OAR’s runners and learning why they run. Their stories are…

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Reflecting on OAR’s Impact

With 2023 coming to a close, we are reflecting on OAR’s impact over this year. As we prepare to close out another year, we look back on OAR’s impact on the autism community. From the Life Journey Through Autism Series and programs like the Kit for Kids and siblings’ resources to applied research grants, we’ve…

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Rewatch OAR’s Webinars on Self-Advocacy

Self-advocacy—the ability to communicate one’s interests, needs, and rights—is a key component in supporting greater independence among autistic people. Advocacy in the workplace is particularly important since autistics can often feel overlooked or under-supported in a neurotypical environment. OAR recently concluded its fall webinar series focused on autism in the workplace. Those webinars and more…

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OAR Welcomes Our Newest Hire Autism Volunteers

The new Hire Autism navigators and ambassadors will join their fellow volunteers to help Hire Autism improve employment opportunities for autistic individuals and assist businesses to create more inclusive workplaces.   Navigators work one-on-one with Hire Autism job seekers, mentoring and equipping them with the tools necessary to prepare for the job search and meet their…

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Autism in the Workplace Webinars Available for Viewing

OAR’s fall 2023 webinar series, Autism in the Workplace, focused on practical strategies, tools, and accommodations for supporting autistic employees. If you weren’t able to make it to the live events, you can access the archived webinars on OAR’s website:  Autism, Disclosure, and Workplace Accommodations: Melanie Whetzel from the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) discussed workplace…

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Employment + Financial Planning: A Critical Equation

Employment is one of the most significant structural challenges individuals with autism and those who love them face. According to the 2015 National Autism Indicators Report, issued by Drexel University’s A.J. Drexel Autism Institute, 58% of young people with autism have never worked during their early 20s. In contrast, over 90% of young adults with…

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Support OAR by Leaving a Review on GreatNonprofits

If OAR made a positive impact on your experience as a member of the autism community, please help us reach a wider audience and raise funds by reviewing OAR on the GreatNonprofits website. Once you add your review, spread the word to your friends and colleagues. Reviews can be as brief as a few sentences…

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Hire Autism Job Seeker Finds Meaningful Employment

William Sowell came to the Hire Autism job board with a goal: to find a job that was meaningful to him, fit his skillset, and provided structure while also allowing autonomy. Upon reading a listing for a job as a collections driver with a Hire Autism employer, Compost Nashville, he immediately applied. When asked what…

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Why Accommodations Matter

In a recent Biospace article, John Ricco, the co-founder of Atlantic Group Recruiting, explained that autistic employees “often possess a unique skill set that employers can benefit from, including attention to detail, innovative problem solving, and a strong work ethic.” Even with these skill sets, unemployment rates for autistic adults are eight times higher than…

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OAR Announces Synchrony Tech Scholarship Recipients

It is OAR’s pleasure to announce the two recipients of the first of two rounds of the 2023 Synchrony Tech Scholarships: Lucinda Hemingway and Nathaniel Castellanos. Castellanos will complete the Miami Dade College’s Certificate of Professional Preparation in Networking Program with the scholarship. Hemingway plans to use the scholarship to attend The University of New…

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