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High School vs. Higher Education

After high school, the rules change

The following charts describe general differences in various areas between public high school and postsecondary education. It has been reprinted with permission from the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction, and primary authors Ann Kallio and Laura Owens, Ph.D.

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My College Journey

When most people think of college, they imagine studying in a dorm room away from home for a couple of years.  But really, my college experience has been pretty unique!  Rather than head off to a dorm for a few years, I needed to take my college classes in a different way.   College Search…

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Cognitive Flexibility: Keeping thinking limber and flexible

Many of you are gifted in different ways.  However, you may have noticed that it is sometimes hard to understand other peoples’ perspectives or accept unexpected change in a normal routine.  Cognitive flexibility is a type of thinking that is often more difficult for individuals with autism spectrum disorder. This is sometimes referred to in…

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Transition Checklist

For readers considering their college options or who are about to start freshmen year, this article provides tips and questions to help them best prepare.   Step 1: Find a school that fits. As you’re scouring the internet in search of the “perfect” school, you may be discovering there are lots of schools to choose…

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Leading Authentic Lives

How autism shaped the academic journey of two completely different people Dena Gassner, MSW is a second year Ph.D. student in Social Welfare at Adelphi University. The Arc US and GRASP benefit from her insights on their national boards. Her presentations have included the Government Accountability Offices, the UN in Geneva, National Autistic Society of…

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Check Yourself and Your Money before Getting a Credit Card

Erick Soricelli is a writer and artist living in the Washington, D.C. area. If you have spent at least a month at a college campus, then you have seen them by now: banks with booths around your campus offering credit cards to the cash-strapped, tight-budgeted student like you. Just because you know what a credit…

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Don’t Lose Yourself in a Relationship

This author offers advice on the importance of maintaining your independence to maintain healthy romantic relationships. I can still remember what he smelled like. That musky, Old Spice-like fragrance that filled my senses every time we embraced. In the past, it would’ve been too overpowering for me to handle, but on him, it took on…

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Greek Life 101

What is Greek life? How does it affect your campus? Would it be a good fit for you? Many college-bound students like you wonder what role they will play at their future schools, aside from their academic studies. It can be difficult to determine what activities you may want to devote yourself to during college.…

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Roommate Agreements

Want to try establishing an agreement with your roommate(s)? Try using these templates as a starting point.   Editable Roommate Agreement   Printable Roommate Agreement Republished with Permission from Kent State University, Department of Residence Life     More Roommate Agreement Samples    

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