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Blog Post

What To Say & What Not To Say To Someone With Autism

This post originally appeared on The Journey Through Autism. It is re-posted here with permission. Throughout my life, I have been told and have overheard many comments regarding Autism. These comments aren’t usually meant to be mean, but rather show a lack of knowledge and understanding of Autism. Even though people aren’t meaning to upset me,…

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Asperger’s and Intimacy Through Chess

This post originally appeared on The Mighty. It is re-posted here with permission. Communication is hard. It is hard especially if you were not pre-wired to recognize facial expressions, body language and other subtle nonverbal cues “normal” people think I can notice in conversations. I have always found myself trying to decipher human emotions like…

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What Holds Self-Advocates Back

Elaina Fernandez is a 2016 Schwallie Family Scholar. Entering her second year at University of Montevallo, she shares her views on the ignorance and the lack of awareness about autism around her. As a person with Autism Spectrum Disorder, I believe that the main factor holding back autistic people today – as it has been for…

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What You Need to Know About Interviewing in College

If potential employers or campus organizations are impressed by your resume, you may be invited for an interview. The interview is where you can expand on your resume, discuss the job or position qualifications, ask questions, and explain to your potential employer or campus organization why you are the best person for the job or…

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Writing a Resume – Where to Begin?

Whether you’re applying for an on-campus job, leadership position for a campus organization, or a summer internship, a resume is important because it reflects who you are, what you are interested in, and what you have accomplished. The purpose of the resume is to convince the reader that you have the qualifications for the position…

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Constructing a Professional Email

In college, you’ll have to send professional emails. Whether it means emailing a resume to a potential employer or a clarifying question to a professor, it’s important to know how to format your message, what to do, and what not to do. Here are some types of individuals you may send professional emails to: Potential…

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What Kind of Job Should You Pursue?

Time to do some soul searching! Do you want a part-time job during the academic year? Can you balance classes and employment? Are you looking for a full-time internship during the semester? Will you get class credit that counts towards graduation? Have you been offered a work study program? There are various different employment options…

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