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OAR Video Helps Professors Help Students

Although there are strong support organizations and programs for college students with autism, such as the Global and Regional Asperger Syndrome Project (GRASP) and Drexel University’s program for students (DASP), professors do not necessarily have access to similar resources for teaching students with autism. Yet they are responsible for accommodating a student’s academic plan and…

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Video Helps Explain Autism to College Faculty

The Harvard Review of Psychiatry recently highlighted a significant upsurge in the number of people with autism spectrum disorders attending college in its summaries of the latest findings in ASD research. As a result of that upsurge, more and more colleges and universities are offering programs that support college students with autism. Even so, academic…

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IMFAR Showcases Latest Treatments, Interventions, and Processes

The 15th annual International Meeting for Autism Research (IMFAR) took place from May 11 to 14 in Baltimore, Md. More than 1,000 attendees from over 40 countries across the globe, including several of OAR’s Scientific Council members, research grantees, and friends, convened to exchange and disseminate the latest findings in autism research. This four-day conference…

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Striving to Make Independence More Than Just a Day in July

There are few virtues more important than independence. Universally, nations and their citizens strive for independence. Teenagers seek independence from their parents. Small children tell their parents, “I do it.” Research tells us that independence is fundamental for success, boosts confidence, reduces over-reliance on others, promotes happiness, increases a sense of accomplishment, and promotes better…

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Supporting Sexual Independence for Individuals on the Autism

As an individual on the autism spectrum, I have struggled with and achieved many types of independence, such as going to college, living on my own, learning how to cook, and starting my own business. While I did receive varying degrees of assistance with each of these endeavors, sexual independence was something I had to…

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Soliciting the Perspective of Young Adults on the Autism Spectrum

In 2015, OAR’s Board of Directors authorized funding for eight new applied autism research studies in 2016. These new grants, totaling $229,827, bring OAR’s total research funding to over $3.5 million since 2002. This is the seventh of eight previews to be featured in The OARacle this year. Collette Sosnowy, Ph.D., an OAR-funded researcher and…

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An Autism Mom’s Perspective on Safety

Safety is ever present in our minds in today’s world. Violence and disasters at times surround us and make us feel even more vulnerable than we already do as parents to our special children. It seems like wherever you turn, you read or hear something about chaos in the world. Like most parents, I send…

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Chloë K 5K Run Rock Ride Event Funds Study on Social Interactions

In October 2012, OAR’s Board of Directors approved 12 new studies for a total of $355,000 in funding through its annual Applied Research Competition. These research efforts, nine of which are now underway, are poised to advance our understanding of autism and how to effectively support those affected by it. This month, we feature a…

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Getting Answers to Questions About Post-High School Disengagement

In 2015, OAR’s Board of Directors authorized funding for eight new applied autism research studies in 2016. These new grants, totaling $229,827, bring OAR’s total research funding to over $3.5 million since 2002. This is the sixth of eight previews to be featured in The OARacle this year. When researchers evaluated data from the National…

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Intervention Teaches Emotional Regulation

In 2015, OAR’s Board of Directors authorized funding for eight new applied autism research studies in 2016. These new grants, totaling $229,827, bring OAR’s total research funding to over $3.5 million since 2002. This is the fifth of eight previews to be featured in The OARacle this year. Regulating their emotions is often a challenge…

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