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Reducing Obesity in Autistic Children

Obesity in children is a major public health concern; in fact, 18.5 percent of children in the United States are considered obese. For autistic children, evidence suggests the percentage is even higher. Factors such as unusual dietary preferences, noncompliant behavior, decreased exercise, social isolation, and frequent use of psychotropic medication associated with weight gain may…

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Help Your Child Wear a Mask

As we prepare to close the books on what likely has been the most unusual school year in decades, it’s safe to say things will probably continue to look different next year. Some students will return to the classroom full time with social distancing measures in place, while others will begin the year with remote…

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The Transition to College: Changes in Disability Supports

This blog post has been adapted from “Self-Advocacy: Changes in Disability Supports” from OAR’s resource “Finding Your Way: A College Guide for Students on the Spectrum”. College may still seem far away for many students, even those who are starting this coming fall, but it’s never too early to learn about the opportunities and challenges…

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5 Things Not to Say When Someone Tells You They’re Autistic

At some point, it’s going to happen. A “normal-seeming” co-worker, friend, or relative will approach you in confidence and share that they are autistic. Since most of us have only been exposed to autism through freakish savant stereotypes via popular media, this co-worker, friend, or relative may look nothing like what you expect. Because of…

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For Jobseekers With Autism, Having a Mentor Helps

This article highlighting the impact of OAR’s Hire Autism portal first appeared on Next Avenue.  The original article can be found here. “I’m usually hesitant to ask for help,” says Mark Fiorito, a 32-year-old Lynbrook, N.Y. jobseeker on the autism spectrum. “But what I was doing wasn’t working, so I was up for trying something…

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The Latest on the Pandemic and Education

The pandemic continues to drive both education and related legislation. In February, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and federal Department of Education released documents intended to provide guidance for reopening schools safely, noting evidence that shows it is possible to do so with precautions. President Biden signed the American Rescue Plan into…

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