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Last week, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released new prevalence data indicating that 1 in every 68 American children is living with autism – a 30% increase from the 2012 estimate.  They also noted that the numbers varied from state to state regarding the number of individuals diagnosed: the prevalence rate is 1 in 175 in Alabama, whereas in New Jersey, 1 in 45 children are on the autism spectrum.

Why do you think the numbers vary so greatly from state to state? Why do you think the numbers continue to rise: is it an actual increase in prevalence, better diagnostic practices, or a combination of many factors?  Most importantly, what significance (if any) do you think the new data has for families? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

For more detailed information, refer ti the “10 Things to Know About New Autism Data” document from the CDC and  read the news story by Maggie Fox at