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Past Webinar

This webinar was presented on Thursday, April 13, 2023, by Dr. Eileen Crehan.

Webinar Description: The landscape of dating, relationships, and sexuality changes rapidly- and for those of us providing support or guidance in these areas (…or hoping to!), knowing where to begin can be daunting. Join Dr. Crehan, licensed clinical psychologist and autism researcher, to build your comfort with discussing sexuality and relationship topics and to hear about current research. During the webinar, comfort zones regarding dating, relationships, and sexuality will be identified to promote positive, self-directed outcomes for autistic individuals. A positive framework will be used to think about goals for attendees’ learning, and resources to learn more will be shared.

Eileen Crehan, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist specializing in autism and neurodivergence in adolescence and adulthood. Her research lab at Tufts University focuses on improving access to care using methods developed in collaboration with autistic individuals. In her clinical practice, Pegasus Consulting, Dr. Crehan conducts assessments with adults and works with organizations to improve accessibility and understanding of autism across the lifespan. Outside work, Dr. Crehan keeps busy reading with her toddler and trying new tea flavors.