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Past Webinar

This webinar was presented on, Monday, October 15, 2018, by Peter Gerhardt, EdD and Amy Gravino, M.A.

Webinar Description: It goes without saying that individuals with ASD are sexual beings. Unfortunately, the biological, physiological, and behavioral aspects of human sexuality, in general, remain significantly under-researched, so it is not surprising that there is even less research when it comes to sexuality and individuals on the autism spectrum.

This knowledge gap, when added to the social, cultural, religious, and legal restrictions that often govern the display of sexual behavior, results in an area of intervention about which we have limited evidence-based information as to

1) the content of instruction in sex education,

2) the process of instruction or intervention in sex education,

3) the timing of intervention in sex education or,

4) the development of effective interventions to prevent sexual abuse.

Peter-307-150x150Peter Gerhardt, EdD, serves on numerous professional advisory boards including the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies. Dr. Gerhardt has more than 35 years of experience using applied behavior analysis principles in support of adolescents and adults with autism spectrum disorders in educational, employment, residential, and community settings.



AmyGravinoHeadshot-Large-150x150Amy Gravino, M.A., is a Certified Autism Specialist and offers consulting, mentoring, and college coaching services for individuals on the autism spectrum and their families. Gravino is a professional international speaker and currently serves on the boards of Specialisterne USA, Yes She Can, Inc., and the Golden Door International Film Festival of Jersey City. Gravino is now authoring The Naughty Autie, a memoir of her experiences with dating, relationships, and sexuality from the firsthand perspective of a woman on the autism spectrum.