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Academics Hub

College Academics

Formal academic supports are not guaranteed in post-secondary school settings, but that doesn’t mean you’re all on your own. Many universities have writing centers, teaching assistants who can tutor one-on-one, and a dedicated office of disability supports to help you navigate college and take advantage of any academic or housing accommodations that are available.

Featured Articles

New to college? Here are some featured articles that will help you become familiar with the higher academic demands in college, as well as navigate the different social dynamics around communicating and working with others.

College Prep Resources

So you’re heading off to college? Here are some tips and resources to help you better prepare.

Laws and Responsibilities

Learn about the law on academic support and how a range of responsibilities shift onto the student in college.

Professional Emails

Solid tips when sending a resume to a potential employer or asking a question to a professor.

External Resources

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