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Resource Feedback

Thank you for taking the time to help us improve our resources for future use!

To share your feedback, just click on the name of the resource(s) you used below to take a brief survey. OAR greatly values your feedback as we strive to meet the needs of the autism community.

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Guidebook Series: Life Journey Through Autism

Feedback Form: A Guide to Safety

Step 1 of 3

Part 1: Initial Impressions

What is your connection to autism?(Required)

The information in this resource was up to date.
The information / advice in the guide is appropriate for individuals with autism across the lifespan.
The topics covered are relevant to the safety concerns affecting the person with autism I know.
The guide looks like something that would appeal to other individuals in the autism community.

Feedback Form: A Parent's Guide to Research

Step 1 of 3

What is your connection to autism?(Required)

Part 1: Initial Impressions

The information in this resource was up to date.
I found the information in this guide helpful and appropriate.
The topics covered seem relevant to the experience and feelings of autism parents.
The guide looks like something that would appeal to other autism parents.

Feedback Form: An Educator's Guide to Autism

Step 1 of 3

What is your connection to autism?(Required)

Part 1: Initial Impressions

The information in this resource was up to date.
I found the information in this guide helpful and appropriate.
The topics covered were relevant to the needs of educators working with students with ASD.
The guide looks like something that would appeal to other educators.

Feedback Form: An Educator's Guide to Asperger Syndrome

Step 1 of 3

What is your connection to autism?(Required)

Part 1: Initial Impressions

The information in this resource was up to date.
I found the information in this guide helpful and appropriate.
The topics covered were relevant to the needs of educators working with students with Asperger Syndrome.
The guide looks like something that would appeal to other educators.

Feedback Form: A Guide for Transition to Adulthood

Step 1 of 3

What is your connection to autism?(Required)

Part 1: Initial Impressions

The information in this resource was up to date.
The information / advice in the guide is appropriate for individuals preparing for adulthood.
The topics covered are relevant to the concerns affecting people with autism transitioning to adulthood.
The guide looks like something that would appeal to other people with autism and those who support them as they plan for adulthood.

Feedback Form: Understanding Autism: An Employer's Guide

Step 1 of 3

What is your connection to autism?(Required)

Part 1: Initial Impressions

The information in this resource was up to date.
I found the information in this guide helpful and appropriate.
The topics covered were relevant to the needs of employers working with individuals with ASD.
The guide looks like something that would appeal to other employers.

Feedback Form: A Parent's Guide to Assessment

Step 1 of 3

What is your connection to autism?(Required)

Part 1: Initial Impressions

The information in this resource was up to date.
I found the information in this guide helpful and appropriate.
The topics covered seem relevant to the experience and feelings of autism parents.
The guide looks like something that would appeal to other autism parents.

Feedback Form: A Guide for Military Families

Step 1 of 3

What is your connection to autism?(Required)

Part 1: Initial Impressions

The information in this resource was up to date.
I found the information in this guide helpful and appropriate.
The topics covered seem relevant to the experience and feelings of military families impacted by autism.
The guide looks like something that would appeal to other military families impacted by autism.

Feedback Form: Navigating the Special Education System

Step 1 of 3

What is your connection to autism?(Required)

Part 1: Initial Impressions

The information in this resource was up to date.
I found the information in this guide helpful and appropriate.
The topics covered seem relevant to the experience and feelings of those in need of this resource.
The guide looks like something that would appeal to others in need of this resource.

Educational Resources

Feedback Form: Kit for Kids

Mailing Address(Required)
Who led the story-telling?(Required)
Overall Program
Information about autism
Lesson Plan
Nick Booklet
Activity Workbooks

Sex Ed. for Self-Advocates: Feedback

May we contact you with questions regarding your feedback?(Required)
If so, please include your email address in this form.

Sibling Resources

Feedback Form: Autism, My Sibling, and Me Workbook

Step 1 of 3

Part 1: Initial Impressions

What is your connection to autism?(Required)

The information in this resource was up to date.
The information in this workbook is appropriate for this age group (5-10 years old).
The topics covered seem relevant to the experience and feelings of the child using it.
The guide looks like something that would appeal to other autism siblings in this age range.

Feedback Form: Life as an Autism Sibling: A Guide for Teens

Step 1 of 3

Part 1: Initial Impressions

What is your connection to autism?(Required)

The information in this resource was up to date.
The information in this workbook is appropriate for this age group (12-18 years old).
The topics covered seem relevant to the experience and feelings of the teen using it.
The guide looks like something that would appeal to other autism siblings in this age range.

Feedback Form: Brothers, Sisters, and Autism: A Parent's Guide

Step 1 of 3

What is your connection to autism?(Required)

Part 1: Initial Impressions

The information in this resource was up to date.
I found the information in this guide helpful and appropriate.
The topics covered seem relevant to the experience and feelings of autism parents.
The guide looks like something that would appeal to other autism parents.