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News and Knowledge

OAR is developing a new digital resource to provide information and resources for late-diagnosed autistic adults. We are seeking volunteers to review the online toolkit, which is comprised of a variety of fact sheets, tip sheets, and worksheets for adults both pre- and post-diagnosis.

Most autistic people receive their diagnoses early in their lives, enabling them to receive the appropriate supports and develop their autistic identity from a young age. Increasingly, however, adults are being diagnosed later in life, a discovery that can at once be illuminating as well as confusing. There are few supports and little to no information for the growing population of late-diagnosed autistic adults. With this toolkit, OAR aims to help fill this gap.


Share Your Feedback

Two speech bubblesOAR is seeking volunteers who are autistic adults and/or who have personal, clinical, or professional experience supporting autistic adults. Volunteers will review the digital toolkit resources and provide constructive feedback. Eligible volunteers include:

  • Autistic adults
  • Family members – parents, children, siblings, partners, and others
  • Educators
  • Researchers
  • Autism professionals

The community review period will commence in the first quarter of 2022. OAR will make final changes to the toolkit resources based on community feedback. If you are interested in participating as a reviewer, please sign up.

OAR provides this and all of its informational resources free of charge. For questions or comments, please contact OAR at programs