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Sexuality education is an important subject in terms of personal growth, development, and safety, but it can also be a daunting one. OAR’s online resource focused on sexuality education, Sex Ed. for Self-Advocates, helps teens and emerging adults on the autism spectrum begin to tackle these important issues. This resource is specific to the needs of people with autism and offers accessible information about key topics, including healthy relationships, dating, and consent.

Social communication and understanding are areas where those on the spectrum often struggle, but they are key factors in how sex education topics are typically learned. This resource presents complex social skills and topics in a clear and understandable format for people on the autism spectrum. Additionally, while the guide was written for self-advocates age 15 and up, it also contains tips and lists of other helpful resources for parents and educators.

Sex Ed. for Self-Advocates is available on OAR’s website. Self-advocates can read articles (or listen to the full guide as a podcast) and watch brief videos in each section before testing their knowledge and practicing new skills through interactive modules. If you have any questions or feedback about OAR’s Sex Ed. for Self-Advocates, contact OAR at 703-243-3466 or