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Graphic Design USA recently awarded a 2020 Health and Wellness Design Award to Lisa Cain for her work on Hire Autism’s Job Search Guides. Cain noted that the project was a collaboration with Amanda Rioux, manager of Hire Autism, and Naina Chernoff, Hire Autism associate.

The annual awards competition honors graphic excellence in the health and wellness industry. “Graphic Design USA is one of the top ‘go to’ design resources in the graphic design community. Over 100,000 professionals see the winning designs,” says Cain. Graphic Design USA has been a business-to-business information source for graphic design since 1963.

When asked what made the guides a winner, Cain replied that they shine a light on a growing need to help individuals on the autism spectrum find employment opportunities. “As a designer and an autism mom, I am so honored to play a small part in helping create these guides and making a positive difference in people’s lives.”

Cain has worked with OAR since 2008, designing a number of guides, logos, and brochures, including “Finding Your Way: A College Guide for Students on the Spectrum” and the “Kit for Kids.” She found OAR when she was looking for resources on its website for her son, who is on the autism spectrum. “I thought that doing design work for OAR would be a great service. I could help other children, families, and caretakers.”