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When OAR launches its employment Web site later this year, it will offer job seekers with autism in the Northern Virginia/Tyson’s Corner area a place to find meaningful employment opportunities and the supports necessary to succeed long term. The Web site will be tailored to meet the needs of both job seekers and employers.

The Web site will help guide job seekers by assisting with the application, interview, and hiring process and offer resources and research that will help facilitate long-term success. For employers, besides offering access to qualified candidates, the aim is to encourage understanding about how to work with employees with autism and to identify and offer supports in the workplace.



Streamlined Usability for Job-Seekers

The Web site primarily serves as a resource for job seekers who are 16 and older looking for their first job. It will be an autism-friendly space that helps users find employment, internship, or volunteer opportunities that match their skills and abilities. Users will be able to access a number of exciting features including:

  • A job board
  • The ability to create a unique profile and save interesting jobs
  • A resume creator and uploader
  • Virtual resume assistance
  • A comprehensive search function
  • Tips on social interaction and etiquette at work

Since the Web site is meant to connect those job seekers with employers that want to hire them, they will not have to wonder about when to disclose information about having autism or explain to employers about what autism is.



Informative, Efficient Features for Employers

Along with finding qualified candidates for their open positions, employers will be able to quickly and easily learn more about autism before hiring an employee, find tips and tools to help train their staff, and access information about accommodating their employees with autism. Employers will have the ability to:

  • Review job applications, resumes, and cover letters
  • Access and pre-screen applicants
  • Request contact information from applicants
  • Receive applications from individuals interested in the job
  • Access resources and tips to better accommodate employees with autism 

The site will contain pages such as “Autism 101 for the Workplace,” a resource that helps inform businesses and employers about autism. Other resources for employers include accommodations that may be necessary for individuals with autism in the workplace, job coach and mentor information, and training resources available for their staff.

 The OAR team is working with a talented and dedicated development team, JK Design, to create the site. The Web site will be open to the public free of charge later this year.



Contact Us

OAR welcomes any volunteers who can contribute expertise or offer suggestions, comments, or concerns with our Adult Employment Initiative and Web site. Please contact us by emailing or call 703-243-3466.