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In October, OAR released an audio version of the Sex Ed. for Self-Advocates guide. Topics of sex, sexuality, and relationships are very important in terms of personal growth, development, and safety, but few resources exist about them that directly address the needs and concerns of people with autism. By widening the accessibility of this resource, we hope to further extend its reach to people with autism who also have visual or reading impairments.

The audio version of each section of the Sex Ed. for Self-Advocates guide can be found at the top of each webpage. Additionally, the guide is available as a podcast, which can be found on OAR’s website or listed in podcast directories such as Apple Podcasts, Google Play, and Blubrry.

Designed for use primarily by self-advocates age 15 and up, the guide also includes tips and resources for families and educators. It is divided into nine sections/podcast episodes. Users can focus on the sections they are interested in or navigate through the guide from beginning to end. The nine sections focus on:

  • Puberty
  • Privacy
  • Healthy relationships
  • Consent
  • Personal values and boundaries
  • Dating
  • Online dating and safety
  • Sexual orientation and gender identity
  • Sexual activity

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