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Volunteer with OAR

As a small non-profit, we rely on the dedication of talented volunteers near and far to support autism families everywhere.

We offer a diverse range of service opportunities for volunteers of all ages and abilities. Contribute to our advocacy, education, or fundraising efforts. Engage with your local community or connect with the autism community online. Learn about the different ways you can get involved below!

Available Volunteer Opportunities

Do you want to increase autism awareness, understanding, and acceptance in your community? This is the project for you! OAR seeks volunteers who are willing to go out in their community and distribute informational materials and resources about autism. Share them with neighbors, parent groups, first responders, schools, clinicians, and more.



Choose the OAR autism resources you wish to share with your community (examples include: A Guide to Safety, Curriculum in a Box, Kit for Kids, and Siblings guidebooks). These materials will be shipped to your home where they will be stored and maintained until distribution. Distribute resources to a variety of sites such as schools, youth programs, resource centers, autism parent support groups, police and fire departments, etc. Volunteers must communicate with OAR staff and submit distribution reports in a timely manner.

Ideal candidates are outgoing and comfortable working with people of diverse backgrounds.



This is a flexible position that requires minimal travel. Must be 18 years or older.


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You would be responsible for reaching out to these organizations/locations independently. Examples: a school, library, community center, place of worship, etc. Write as many as apply.
Volunteer Credit:(Required)
I understand my responsibilities as an autism materials distributor.(Required)
Responsibilities: Communicate with OAR staff and submit distribution reports in a timely manner. Store and maintain autism resources before distributing them across multiple sites. Identify and coordinate with local organization for volunteering to take place. Example sites include schools, youth programs, resource centers, autism parent support groups and/or police and fire departments.
I understand the requirements of being an autism materials distributor.(Required)
Requirements: Distribute materials as intended. Donate any remaining materials to a local school or library. This is a flexible position that requires minimal travel. Must be 18 years or older.

OAR’s blog features stories, dialogue, resources, and advice that provide an added source of support for autistic people, families, educators, and other professionals.

If you are interested in sharing your experiences with autism with others, apply now! We are always on the lookout for new guest writers to contribute a post or series of posts to the OAR blog. Autistic people, siblings, parents, caregivers, educators, and autism professionals are welcome to apply.



Write 500-750 word blog entries for OAR’s blog. Entries on the blog may be on any topic related to your personal or professional experience with autism, including parenting, education, transition, sibling perspectives, self-advocacy, self-discovery/self-acceptance, the military, and much more. All topic proposals are subject to OAR approval. Contributors are also required to submit a short author bio and accompanying photo. Contributors may request anonymity via a pseudonym if desired.



OAR estimates that blog contributions, including edits, may take anywhere from 2-6 hours per entry. Blog contributors may contribute on a one-time basis or propose a blog series. Blog series typically contain 4-7 entries. This is a flexible position that requires no travel.


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What is your connection to autism?(Required)

Would you like to be a one-time contributor or a regular contributor?
Please upload a writing sample OR the blog post you would like to submit (if already written). The writing sample does not have to be a published piece, and it can be as brief as a few paragraphs. We do request that the topic of the writing sample relates to autism in some way.
Accepted file types: doc, pdf, jpg, Max. file size: 2 MB.
If you would like to submit a writing sample already published online, please provide the link. The writing sample does not have to be a published piece, and it can be as brief as a few paragraphs. We do request that the topic of the writing sample relates to autism in some way.
I understand my responsibilities as a blog contributor.(Required)
Responsibilities: Write 500-750 word blog entries for OAR’s main blog. Entries on OAR’s main blog may be on any topic related to your personal or professional experience with autism, including parenting, education, transition, sibling perspectives, the military, and much more. All topic proposals are subject to OAR approval. Contributors are also required to submit a short author bio and accompanying photo. Contributors may request anonymity via a pseudonym if desired.
I understand the requirements of being a blog contributor.(Required)
Requirements: OAR estimates that blog contributions, including edits, may take anywhere from 2-6 hours per entry. Blog contributors may contribute on a one-time basis, or propose a blog series. Blog series typically contain 4-7 entries. This is a flexible position that requires no travel.

Hire Autism, OAR’s employment program is looking for volunteers to support autistic adults with refining their resumes and/or cover letters and preparing for job interviews. The Navigator role is envisioned as a remote, technology-based, volunteer opportunity with face-to-face interactions conducted via web-based platforms. The ideal volunteer will have a record of success in his or her own professional career, excellent verbal and written communication skills, a commitment to Hire Autism’s mission, and the desire to serve as a positive role model.



Volunteers, also known as Navigators, will help to review and provide direct feedback on job seekers’ resumes/cover letters to ensure that they are polished and ready to send to employers. The expected volunteer commitment is 1-2 hours per week for 3 months.



  • 10+ years leadership, management, HR, or related experience
  • Ability to pass a criminal background check
  • Experience as a business owner, hiring manager, or similar
  • Competence in Google Docs, online searching, and virtual communication
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills
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Youth Education Leaders play an important role in raising awareness and building acceptance among students in K-8 about autism. OAR seeks volunteers of all ages who demonstrate the leadership skills, communication skills, and initiative to teach the Kit for Kids program in the school setting. OAR staff is willing to work closely with high school students, parents, educators, and others interested in implementing the program school or district-wide.



  • Identify a local school or organization where you will volunteer and coordinate a time to present the Kit for Kids
  • Review Kit for Kids materials thoroughly before presentation day
  • Use the Kit for Kids lesson materials as outlined in the proposed plan
    • Read the “What’s Up with Nick?” story aloud in a positive and professional manner to children in the general population
    • Facilitate classroom discussion about the story using the lesson plan and script provided
  • Track, record, and submit service hours in a timely manner



This is a flexible position that requires little to no travel. Volunteers who are under 18 years old must identify a supervisor. Youth Education Leaders must obtain approval from the organization where the lesson(s) will take place.


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