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Webinar: Autism Inclusion in the Workplace Panel

Webinar: Autism Inclusion in the Workplace Panel

Autism Inclusion in the Workplace Panel

Panelists will discuss how to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for autistic individuals in the workplace. They will share their personal experiences, which include being an employer or business leader, autistic employee, manager of neurodivergent employees, and collectively, advocates for neurodivergent peers. Through these perspectives, audience members will learn how to better support autistic individuals in the workplace. Whether they’re a boss, a colleague, or an autistic individual themselves, attendees will leave empowered and confident in their ability to create an inclusive workplace for autistic and neurodivergent colleagues. 


  • Shea Belsky, chief technology officer of Mentra 
  • Carolyn Jeppsen, CEO/president and co-founder of BroadFutures 
  • Tiffany Payton Jameson, Ph.D., MBA, PHR, founding and managing partner of grit & flow  
  • Lyric Rivera, founder of NeuroDivergent Consulting and author of the best-selling business ethics book, Workplace Neurodiversity Rising 

Free to Participate


Recorded and Archived

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 Certificate of Attendance

If you have any questions or comments about this event or if you would like to request specific webinar topics for the future, please contact us at

The event is finished.


Oct 12 2023


Eastern Standard Time
11:00 am - 12:00 pm




  • Shea Belsky
    Shea Belsky
    Chief Technology Officer - Mentra

    Shea Belsky is an autistic self-advocate and changemaker. He is the Chief Technology Officer of Mentra, a hiring platform for neurodivergent jobseekers. He graduated Cornell University with his BS and MPS in Information Science and has worked for companies like Wayfair and HubSpot on their accessibility and neurodiversity inclusion efforts. Shea brings several unique perspectives to supporting neurodivergent colleagues. He has been the manager of neurodivergent and neurotypical employees, has reported to neurodivergent and neurotypical managers, and has advocated for the needs and wellbeing of neurodivergent and neurotypical peers. Shea is excited to share these experiences with others in order to create a more neuro-inclusive workplace for everyone.

  • Carolyn Jeppsen
    Carolyn Jeppsen
    CEO - BroadFutures

    Carolyn is the Co-Founder/CEO/President of BroadFutures, a nonprofit committed to empowering young neurodivergent people through a training, mentoring and internship program. She speaks nationally on the benefits of a diverse workforce that is inclusive of disability, as well as the value proposition of internship programs. Carolyn received her B.A. with honors from Colby College, her J.D. from George Washington University National Law Center, and her Certificate of Non-Profit Executive Management from Georgetown University.

  • Tiffany Payton Jameson
    Tiffany Payton Jameson
    Managing Partner - grit & flow

    Tiffany Payton Jameson, Ph.D., MBA, PHR, spreads her vision passionately through her work with organizations to revise their practices and processes to be inclusive, including refining hiring practices, onboarding, and training programs to be neuro-inclusive and accessible for all learning styles and preferences. As an international speaker and guest lecturer, she has expanded the discussion of inclusive workplaces to organizations and cultures of all types.

    Dr. Jameson has completed and published research on the hiring intentions towards autistic candidates, in addition to numerous other articles on topics expanding data analytics in the diversity, equity, and inclusion space, transitioning autistic youth into employment, and various other articles on issues related to working for autistic job seekers. Dr. Jameson uses her multi-disciplinary experience currently as the Managing Partner for grit & flow, a purpose-driven consultancy working worldwide, to help further the development of workplaces that support the cognitive diversity of each employee and candidate. Dr. Jameson’s area of expertise is the field of Neurodivergent studies (neurodiversity), an area covering Autism, ADHD, mental health, and mental illness. Dr. Jameson is continuously seeking organizations to continue research on closing the gap in successful and meaningful work for all.

  • Lyric Rivera
    Lyric Rivera
    Founder - NeuroDivergent Consulting

    Lyric Rivera is the founder of NeuroDivergent Consulting and author of the best-selling business ethics book, Workplace Neurodiversity Rising, named “trend for 2023” and praised in Forbes as “an excellent ‘how to manual’ based on lived experience and professional competence.”

    Lyric also runs the neurodiversity lifestyle blog, NeuroDivergent Rebel, and is known as the pioneer of the #AskingAutistics hashtag, where simple questions prompt open-ended responses that autistic people can quickly chime in with and invites participants to engage each other in conversations related to the topic. This hashtag connects NeuroDiverse people who would not otherwise have a reason to engage with each other and fosters a collective understanding of the autistic experience.

  • Chelsea Hartner - Moderator
    Chelsea Hartner - Moderator
    Operations Manager - Getting Hired

    Chelsea Hartner (she/her) is a dedicated leader, neurodivergent advocate, and diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) practitioner. She is an Operations Manager at Getting Hired, supporting the strategic mission to promote and build a more diverse workforce by connecting talent to employers who cultivate inclusive and accommodating environments. Through her work, she aspires to minimize obstacles for people of all diverse identities to have equitable opportunities to reach their full potential in the workplace and find belonging.

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