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The OARacle Newsletter

Promoting Better Criminal Justice Outcomes for Autistic Individuals

With multiple high-profile stories of negative interactions between autistic individuals and law enforcement, coupled with the fact that autism impacts individuals throughout their lives, there has been increasing attention to the need for better understanding of how to prevent adverse outcomes. Preliminary research has demonstrated that autistic individuals deal with the criminal justice system frequently,…

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Improving Suicide Risk Screening for Autistic Youth

According to a report by the United Health Foundation released in early October, suicides among adolescents ages 15 to 19 jumped 29% over the previous decade, from 8.4 per 100,000 to 10.8 per 100,000. In March, the American Academy of Pediatrics issued new recommendations that call for pediatric health providers to screen all young people…

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“911, What Is Your Emergency?”

Calling 911 is a call that no parent wants to make. But that call to 911 is critically important when an autistic child is missing. It is the most important step in keeping your child safe in the event of a wandering episode. In Montgomery County, Md., where Officer Laurie Reyes works, it is more…

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Autism Within the Criminal Justice System

For this issue looking at safety and the criminal justice system, OAR sat down with Haley Moss to get her perspective on safety, criminal justice, and autism. Haley Moss is an attorney, author, advocate, artist, and consultant. Diagnosed with autism when she was 3 years old, Moss now uses her personal and professional experience to…

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A Guide to Understanding and Managing Safety

Autism presents a range of safety challenges across the lifespan, including difficulty interacting with law enforcement, communicating with others, and unknowingly engaging in illegal activities. OAR’s Life Journey Through Autism: A Guide to Safety helps parents prepare for these and many other safety issues. The guide offers practical strategies for caregivers and first responders to…

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Autism and Law Enforcement: Strategies for Safer Interactions

Autistic individuals, like all of us, are likely to encounter law enforcement officers at some point in their lives, whether it is in the community, during a routine traffic stop, at a concert or large community event, or as the result of a suspicious person or aggressive behavior call to 911. Unfortunately, media reports consistently…

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New 988 Suicide Prevention Line Launches

The 988 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, established by Congress in 2020, launched on Saturday, July 16. The lifeline number is a three-digit code that people can call to connect with mental health crisis counselors 24 hours a day and seven days a week. Both English and Spanish language callers can use the number and texting…

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The Role of Social Connections in Reducing Suicide Risk

In November, OAR’s Board of Directors authorized funding for five applied autism research studies in 2022. These new grants, totaling $196,272, bring OAR’s total research funding to more than $4.4 million since 2002. This article is the third of five previews to be featured in The OARacle this year.  Autistic people are significantly more likely…

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Promoting Inclusivity in the Telehealth Movement

The emergency department (ED) is often a chaotic, loud, and, frankly, frightening place. Patients may be yelling; monitors and alarms are continuously sounding off; staff are hurrying around; police officers may be present; and overhead pages are squawking every few minutes. There is very little privacy, with patients often separated by a curtain or even…

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Outpatient Mental Health Crisis Screening

Roughly 70% of autistic children have at least one co-occurring psychiatric diagnosis, and over 30% have two or more. Rates of problem behaviors are also high, with 56% of autistic youth directing aggression toward caregivers and 30% engaging in self-injury. There is also growing evidence that suggests that rates of suicidal ideation and attempts are…

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