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Resource Spotlight

Planning for the Transition to Adulthood

The transition from adolescence to young adulthood can create both anxiety and excitement for young people. For students with autism, anxiety may outweigh excitement as they may face greater challenges than their typical peers in attending college, navigating social situations, or figuring out a potential career path. To help reduce the stress and anxiety that…

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OAR Releases Sexuality and Sex Education Guide

OAR’s new online resource focused on sexuality and sex education for teens and emerging adults on the autism spectrum, Sex Ed. for Self-Advocates, is now available on OAR’s website. Sexuality and sex education is an important subject in terms of personal growth, development, and safety, but it can also be a daunting one. OAR is excited…

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Take a Look at the Redesigned Operation Autism Website

OAR is pleased to share the newly redesigned Operation Autism website in support of military families affected by autism. OAR is committed to supporting military families impacted by autism by providing this updated resource that addresses the many challenges they face: extended family separation, moves, varied access to specialized health care, and more. According to…

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Supporting Healthy Sibling Relationships

“It feels like whenever my family and I are out in public, my autistic brother will have a full-blown meltdown. People always stare so I get really embarrassed, but I also worry about how angry he gets. What can I do about this?” This is one of the many challenges siblings grapple with when they…

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Supporting Parents Through the Assessment Process

During the normal course of development, children are expected to reach certain milestones by a specific age, such as uttering their first words, taking their first steps, or engaging in joint pretend play. For children with autism, this developmental trajectory may be delayed or even regress over time. Parents who suspect their children of having…

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Navigating and Understanding Research

When parents first learn of their child’s autism diagnosis, they may feel overwhelmed with the need to learn about the details and complexities of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). They have to not only educate themselves about the medical details, but also the range of treatment options available. Understanding a complex disorder such as autism can…

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Navigating Life as a Sibling

“It feels like whenever my family and I are out in public, my autistic brother will have a full-blown meltdown. People always stare so I get really embarrassed, but I also worry about how angry he gets. What can I do about this?” This is one of the many challenges siblings grapple with when they…

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Employment Resources Available at Hire Autism

In addition to its function as a job board for those on the autism spectrum who are seeking employment, Hire Autism also houses a Resource Center to support its users. The Resource Center provides information for both job-seekers and employers. Businesses posting jobs on the site can view basic information about autism, the interview process,…

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Start Your Academic Year with the College Guide

While there are many resources for young adults heading off to college, only a few are available for students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). In January, OAR published “Finding Your Way: A College Guide for Students on the Spectrum” to help young adults with ASD navigate the college scene. Students headed to college can also…

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Destination: Friendship

School is not only the place children go to learn math and reading, among other subjects, it’s also a place where they make friends, often friends whose friendship spans a lifetime. That ability to make friends is a struggle for many children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), who find it difficult to master the necessary…

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