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Research Preview

Training Paraprofessionals to Provide Social Opportunities

In 2011, OAR’s Scientific Council selected seven applied research projects for funding. This month, we describe a study being conducted by researchers at the Koegel Autism Center at University of California, Santa Barbara.   Study Training Paraprofessionals to Provide Appropriate Social Opportunities for Children with ASD   Researchers Robert Koegel, PhD, and Lynn Kern Koegel,…

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Evaluation of Synchronous Online Parent Skill Training

In 2011, OAR’s Scientific Council selected seven applied research projects for funding. This month, we describe a study being conducted by researchers at the State University of New York and the Mary Cariola Children’s Center.   Study Evaluation of Synchronous Online Parent Skill Training Researcher Marcie Desrochers, Ph.D., BCBA-D, SUNY-Brockport, N.Y., and Erin DiCesare, Mary…

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Two Funded Studies Address Sleep Difficulties and Expressive Language

In October 2012, OAR’s Board of Directors approved 12 new studies for a total of $355,000 in funding through its annual Applied Research Competition. These research efforts, nine of which are now underway, are poised to advance our understanding of autism and how to effectively support those affected by it. This month, we feature previews…

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Examining the Neurobehavioral Basis of Sensory Behavior in Autism

In 2011, OAR’s Scientific Council selected seven applied research projects for funding. This month, we describe a study being conducted by a researcher at the Hugo W. Moser Research Institute at the Kennedy Krieger Institute in Baltimore, Md.   Study A Preliminary Investigation of the Neurobehavioral Basis of Sensory Behavior in Autism Researcher Ericka Wodka,…

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Increasing Vocational Skills in Adolescents and Adults with Autism

Study Increasing Functional Vocational Skills in Adolescents and Adults with Autism Using Behavioral Economics   Researchers Principal Investigator: Robert H. LaRue, Ph.D, BCBA-D, director of behavioral and research services; Lara Delmolino, Ph.D., BCBA-D, director; Kate Fiske Massey, Ph.D., BCBA-D, associate director of behavioral and research services; Kimberly N. Sloman, Ph.D., BCBA-D, associate director of behavioral…

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Using a Direct Observation Assessment Battery to Assess Outcome of Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention for Children with Autism

In 2011, OAR’s Scientific Council selected seven applied research projects for funding. This month, we describe a study being conducted by researchers at The New England Center for Children.   Study Using a Direct Observation Assessment Battery to Assess Outcome of Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention for Children with Autism   Researchers Rebecca P.F. MacDonald, PhD,…

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Studying Factors Related to Employment for High School Students with Autism

In 2011, OAR’s Scientific Council selected seven applied research projects for funding. Dr. Hsu-Min Chiang’s project is the first of those that we are featuring in The OARacle.   Study Predictive Factors of Participation in Employment for High School Leavers with Autism Researcher Hsu-Min Chiang, Ph.D., Teacher’s College at Columbia University, New York City Purpose…

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Understanding ASD within the Socio-cultural Context of Vietnam

Traditionally, OAR publishes summaries of the applied research grants for which it has provided funding, one each month. However, this month, we are featuring a graduate study grant. In 2011, OAR awarded nine graduate awards, offering each student researcher grants of $1,000 or $2,000. This study is unusual both because it is the first grant…

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Development of a Transportation Skills Assessment Tool (TSAT) for Individuals with Autistic Spectrum Disorder to Aid in Finding Safe and Accessible Community Transportation Services

Researcher Patrick Szary, Ph.D.   Purpose To develop and distribute a Transportation Skills Assessment Tool (TSAT) for individuals with autism spectrum disorders in New Jersey to understand the skills necessary to ride various paratransit and community transportation services. These services include fixed route, complimentary ADA paratransit, special transportation, community transportation, employment transportation and/or Medicaid transportation.…

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