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The Needle in a Haystack: A Placement That Is Right for Your Child

For this month’s Message, The OARacle is featuring two parents’ perspectives on what back-to-school means for their children and families. School is one of the most critical elements of future success for all children, meaning that every decision – including something as basic as selecting the right school – can be a difficult endeavor for…

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A Father’s Hopes and Fears

I am the very proud father of an extremely outgoing and curious little girl. Her sunny disposition is nearly constant and she sees everyone as a friend in the making. She is nurturing in a way not often seen in children. She absolutely loves music. She is kind and gentle to animals, and in return,…

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Taking the Time to Breathe

Prior to takeoff of any passenger flight, flight attendants provide instruction that if the air pressure drops and oxygen masks fall, each person’s priority should be to put on their own mask before assisting anyone else, including their child. What remains unsaid is that if you are unable to breathe, you are not able to…

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What is Love?

The question “What is love?” was one of the top most searched questions on Google in 2012. If you and your partner disagree on what constitutes love, you are apparently not alone.  If so many of us ask that question, is it fair to expect our partners to know? This is one of the major…

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Autism: What’s Love Got To Do With It?

When I was in high school, it was always marked by the same ritual: Students would buy red, pink, and/or white carnations at lunchtime all through the previous week, and the flowers were presented to their starry-eyed recipients in homeroom on Valentine’s Day morning.  Year after year, I watched other girls receive two, three, or…

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