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Scholarship Program Open for Applications

OAR is accepting applications for the 2018 OAR Scholarship Program through Monday, May 7 at 11:59 p.m. ET. Applicants can apply to either the Schwallie Family Scholarship or the Lisa Hussman Scholarship. Each offers one-time $3,000 scholarships to students diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (DSM-IV or 5 criteria) pursuing full-time post-secondary, undergraduate education in the United…

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How I Explained My Son’s Autism to His Siblings

This post originally appeared on The Mighty. It is re-posted here with permission. I am raising three unique individual humans. I have a 6-year-old boy who is not a morning person, is smart but “lazy” and has a huge heart. My 4-year-old daughter loves all things creepy, is so sassy and is a mother hen. My…

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Ebooks Have Arrived

A selection of OAR’s “Life Journey Through Autism” guidebooks is now available in ebook format and can be downloaded on Amazon Kindle and Kobo. Ebooks provide more flexibility for readers and are more easily accessible, which is a great advantage for those who travel. OAR is confident that with this greater accessibility, we can reach an…

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Stay Up to Date on the Latest Research

The world of autism research is broad, and it seems to be constantly changing. Each week, articles about new studies appear in our social media feeds or are reported on the nightly news, revealing new and important factors in understanding autism spectrum disorder (ASD). If you’re a member of the autism community, whether you’re a…

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His Helicopter

This post originally appeared on the author’s blog, The AWEnesty of Autism. It is re-posted here with permission. My kids tell me that I worry “too much”. My husband knows that I worry “too much” and my friends tell me not to worry “too much”. I’m also pretty sure my son’s teachers, guidance counselors and doctors…

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Exchanging Holiday Hopes for Happiness

You do it. I do it. We all do it. As we prepare for the pending holidays, no matter how old your child is, many of us wonder: “Will he/she will be able to handle [Insert your concern here] this year?” “Should we even bother with a huge gathering or should we just celebrate on…

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Happy Holidays Begin Early

Did you ever meet someone who did not like to eat turkey on Thanksgiving? Or do you know anyone who refused to wear a costume to a Halloween party? Is anyone in your family impossible to buy a gift for? How about the stress that creeps into your soul when you tell your family you…

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Easing the Challenges of Travel

In an article on the CNN website, Zoe Gross, director of operations at the Autistic Self Advocacy Network, notes that “autism is a diverse disability and everyone’s needs are different.” As the article describes, travelers with autism will have different needs and challenges depending on “personality, where they are on the autism spectrum, and how…

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