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Resources to Supplement Virtual Learning

The COVID-19 pandemic has led many school districts to hold classes remotely this fall. While virtual learning can be difficult for students on the autism spectrum and their parents and teachers, it also provides the opportunity to take advantage of online resources. OAR’s online educational resources can supplement virtual learning for a range of audiences:…

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The Challenges in Rural Areas For Autism Treatment

Living in a rural area has made getting the right diagnosis and proper treatment for my son with autism a problem I didn’t anticipate. Like many children with autism, he requires many hours of a variety of therapies to thrive. But what happens when my son can’t receive the treatment he needs? In rural areas…

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The Six Sections of an Autism Research Study

This blog post has been adapted from Chapter 5 of OAR’s resource “A Parent’s Guide to Research”. Research studies can be very good sources of information about autism, but they can also be difficult to read and interpret. However, most professional journals that publish research studies use a standard format for reporting research which consists…

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The Components of an Individualized Education Program

This blog post has been adapted from “Chapter Two: Individualized Education Programs” of OAR’s resource “Navigating the Special Education System”. If you have a child with autism who is currently in school, they might have an Individualized Education Program (IEP). The IEP provides a description and action plan for the services and supports necessary for…

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Independence Is More Than A Day in July

This column first ran in the July 2016 issue of The OARacle. We invite you to read its evergreen message and apply the writers’ suggestions to your situation. There are few virtues more important than independence. Universally, nations and their citizens strive for independence. Teenagers seek independence from their parents. Small children tell their parents,…

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Keep Social During Summer

The summer camp diving board was the perfect opportunity to work on taking turns. The counselors eagerly stood beside the pool and watched Jason waiting in line at the diving board. Jason had been working on taking turns all year long at school, but it had not been easy. He began to bounce impatiently as…

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How Children With Autism Are Affected By COVID-19

The new constraints to daily routines as a result of COVID-19 have certainly affected everyone, but for children, teens, and young adults on the Autism Spectrum, making adjustments can be particularly challenging. People on the spectrum often rely on predictability and routine to bring about a sense of certainty and safety in their environment. Without…

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What You Need to Know About COVID-19

COVID-19 has caused all of us to adapt to a new normal. People are coping as best they can to the need to stay at home and keep a safe social distance. This new normal can be particularly difficult for families that include children with autism who are uniquely vulnerable to the disruptions caused by…

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Like Mother, Like Daughter

My younger daughter and I were diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) on the same day; she was 2 and I was 39. I didn’t suspect that she was autistic until she started having intense crying fits around 18 months old. I knew that these fits, often lasting 45 minutes, were not simply toddler tantrums.…

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