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Telehealth Intervention Coaching for Fathers

In November, OAR’s Board of Directors authorized funding for six new applied autism research studies in 2021. These new grants, totaling $240,000, bring OAR’s total research funding to more than $4.4 million since 2002. This study is supported by funds from OAR’s Changing Lives Fund. This is the third of six previews to be featured…

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Prepare for a Move When Your Child Has an IEP

In the Marine Corps, you may hear spouses talking about a motto similar to “Semper Fidelis.” “Semper Gumby” translates roughly to “always flexible,” thanks to the 1950s claymation character named Gumby. The ability to adapt and overcome adversity directly correlates with positive outcomes for military families. Executing a Permanent Change of Station (PCS) move is…

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6 Steps for Disagreeing with Your School District

This blog post has been adapted from “Chapter Four: Advocating for Your Child” of OAR’s resource “Navigating the Special Education System”. As many parents of autistic children know from personal experience, it takes more time and consideration to navigate the special education system than it does to send a neurotypical child to school.  Some families…

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Hire Autism: New Year, New Opportunities

We can all agree that last year was a bit hectic, to say the least. COVID-19 caused us to adapt to a new way of living and working and changed many aspects of daily life. Despite these changes, at OAR we were able to witness something truly remarkable, the inherent resiliency of our job seekers.…

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Can Telehealth Bring Intervention Training to Rural Areas?

In November, OAR’s Board of Directors authorized funding for six new applied autism research studies in 2021. These new grants, totaling $240,000, bring OAR’s total research funding to more than $4.2 million since 2002. This is the first of six previews to be featured in The OARacle this year. Between 50 and 70 percent of…

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Establish and Maintain a New Year’s Resolution

The New Year is a time for all families and individuals to look forward to creating new opportunities and starting fresh with possibilities. The challenges, hardships, and bad memories from the previous year are gone – a chapter closed in your life’s book. The New Year kicks off a new chapter and you, as the…

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Use Research to Optimize IEP Outcomes

Our common bond as parents, no matter our educational level, is that we all walk into individual education program (IEP) meetings wondering if we are going to fight for and get what our child needs in order to succeed that school year. “Fight” is not an adversarial word here. It is a strong word meant…

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Reducing Parent Stress Through Mindfulness

The social communication impairment that prevents children with ASD from expressing themselves or asking for what they need not only negatively affects their well being, it also contributes to elevated stress for parents. The time and money required for therapies for their children also may prevent many parents from devoting resources to their own self-care.…

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A Parent’s Guide to Research

When parents first learn of their child’s autism diagnosis, they may feel overwhelmed with the need to learn about the details and complexities of autism spectrum disorder. They have to not only educate themselves about the medical details, but also the range of treatment options available. Understanding a complex disorder such as autism can be…

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New Friendship Tip Sheets Available This Month

Everyone likes to have friends. For autistic kids, making friends often is not easy. Conversely, for their typical peers, getting to know autistic kids can be hard. In an effort to reduce those barriers, OAR is releasing a series of one-page friendship tip sheets is geared towards helping non-autistic kids be understanding, supportive friends to…

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