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Going to College with Autism

Louis Scarantino is an autism self-advocate. In this post, Louis discusses his experience in college, and what he would change if he had the opportunity to return. Louis’ story provides excellent insight on what it is like to attend college as someone on the spectrum. Every child goes to school from kindergarten through their senior year…

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We’re Not “Bad at Sex,” But We Sure Are Bad at Teaching It – Part 2: The Autism World Is NOT “Sex Positive.” Here’s Why

Michael John Carley is a self-advocate who frequently visits companies to discuss topics related to autism. In this post, Carley writes about how we, as a society, fail individuals with autism by not creating a comprehensive sex-education guide. This is the second post in a series about sex-education; this was originally posted on Sinkhole. The politics…

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Post-High School: Pitfalls and Possibilities

It is widely known that adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) face obstacles that impede their quality of life. It is not as clear why so many become disconnected from services and educational or employment opportunities once they leave high school. In 2015, OAR awarded a two-year $30,000 grant to Connie Anderson, Ph.D., assistant professor…

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Peer Pressure

Peer pressure occurs everywhere, but it is especially prevalent in college because there are no parental influences to help you decide what is right or wrong. In college, you will have to depend on your moral compass, which is a figurative term that describes the gut feeling you have about certain situations or activities. In…

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Peer Pressure Quiz

Take this short, 10 question quiz on peer pressure! Feel free to use the Peer Pressure article to help you, but eventually you should be able to take it without any help. You can take this quiz as many times as you would like to.

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Unfortunately, stress is a common emotion that people deal with frequently – many of your friends, family, and even yourself have dealt with it before. You probably dealt with it firsthand with friendships and applying to college – but don’t worry, everyone has been stressed out before. Stress can manifest itself in different forms, mentally…

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Rooming with a Friend or Two or More Roommates

While you may know what to expect with one roommate, rooming with a friend or more than two people is different. However, with these tips, you’ll be prepared for any room situation! The first and most important tip is to always remember that everyone comes from different backgrounds, and some people are more sensitive to…

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