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Systems for Success: Advice for Autistic College Students

Starting college can be a huge transition. For many incoming freshmen, it includes moving into a dorm room, learning new college lingo, navigating a campus, attending large classes, and staying on top of homework. Incoming freshmen might also want to join a campus club, attend a tutoring session, or visit a professor during their office…

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Fall Outreach Campaign Surpasses Goal

OAR set a goal of distributing 15,000 print and digital copies of our information resources through our Higher Education on the Spectrum campaign in the fall of 2023. We surpassed this goal by distributing a total of 17,062 resources to autistic college students, parents, and university professors and staff. These resources cover topics such as…

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How to Navigate the Holiday Season with Anna Robinson

The holiday season can be a fun, but sometimes stressful, time for autistic people. On one hand, the season may include quality time spent with family and friends. However, it can also be a deviation from one’s routine which may include heightened sensory sensitivities and stimuli that can make the experience uncomfortable. In this interview,…

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Autism in the Workplace Webinars Available for Viewing

OAR’s fall 2023 webinar series, Autism in the Workplace, focused on practical strategies, tools, and accommodations for supporting autistic employees. If you weren’t able to make it to the live events, you can access the archived webinars on OAR’s website:  Autism, Disclosure, and Workplace Accommodations: Melanie Whetzel from the Job Accommodation Network (JAN) discussed workplace…

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Creating a Supportive Space for Autistic Students in College

If you’ve had the privilege of working with an autistic student in a college setting, you understand how important it is to ensure they feel welcome and included. In this blog post, we’re going to explore why creating an inclusive environment matters for our autistic students, and we’ll share some practical tips for college professors…

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College and Mental Health: An Interview with Nyla Cooper

OAR interviewed Nyla Cooper, a 2022 Synchrony Family Scholarship winner, and member of OAR’s Scholars’ Society, about the impact of mental health on her college experience. Nyla is a junior in the ARTs Foundation, majoring in Communication Arts at Virginia Commonwealth University, who is passionate about the arts. Art has aided her through her struggles…

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OAR Awards 55 Scholarships to Autistic College Students

OAR has awarded 55 students with scholarships for 2023, bringing the scholarship total to $1,717,500 provided to 558 autistic students since 2007. This year, 1,112 students applied for one of three OAR scholarships: the Lisa Higgins Hussman Scholarship, the Schwallie Family Scholarship, and the Synchrony Scholarship for Autistic Students of Color. All three scholarships provide one-time $3,000 awards…

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Getting Involved on Your College Campus

As a new college student, it’s normal to feel both excited and nervous for life on campus. After all, you’re surrounded by new people, and you likely don’t know most of them. This is a great opportunity to start fresh, try new things, and make friends. Making connections can make your new college campus feel…

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Advice for the Transition to College

When Ryan Neale went to UCLA, his dream school, he struggled in the first months of his freshman year, hiding his autism and trying to blend in, as he wrote in an essay for Business Insider. In those first months of his freshman year, he “exchanged sleep and self-care for going out and partying —…

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Fall Webinars Focus on the Workplace

Join OAR this fall for four live webinar events on autism in the workplace that will offer practical strategies, tools, and support plans for autistic adults, employers, parents, and professionals. The series will focus on topics such as disclosure, accommodations, inclusion, self-advocacy, and the transition from higher education to the workplace. Additionally, for the first time,…

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