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Campus Life

Peer Pressure

Peer pressure occurs everywhere, but it is especially prevalent in college because there are no parental influences to help you decide what is right or wrong. In college, you will have to depend on your moral compass, which is a figurative term that describes the gut feeling you have about certain situations or activities. In…

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Peer Pressure Quiz

Take this short, 10 question quiz on peer pressure! Feel free to use the Peer Pressure article to help you, but eventually you should be able to take it without any help. You can take this quiz as many times as you would like to.

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Rooming with a Friend or Two or More Roommates

While you may know what to expect with one roommate, rooming with a friend or more than two people is different. However, with these tips, you’ll be prepared for any room situation! The first and most important tip is to always remember that everyone comes from different backgrounds, and some people are more sensitive to…

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Neurodiversity Clubs: A Place for Acceptance, Advocacy, and Adjustment

There are a lot of new changes that come with starting college. You are in a different place, making new friends, and studying fresh subjects. A lot of students also seek out new activities, like joining a club or organization. However, going to a loud and crowded activities fair may be overstimulating to navigate while…

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Leveraging Social Media

Stay Connected Using Social Media So you are off to college.  Whether you live on campus or off, social media is a great way to stay connected with your friends and keep your social network intact. In your new environment, while you’ll want to maintain established friendships, it can be difficult to make new “in person”…

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Don’t Lose Yourself in a Relationship

This author offers advice on the importance of maintaining your independence to maintain healthy romantic relationships. I can still remember what he smelled like. That musky, Old Spice-like fragrance that filled my senses every time we embraced. In the past, it would’ve been too overpowering for me to handle, but on him, it took on…

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Greek Life 101

What is Greek life? How does it affect your campus? Would it be a good fit for you? Many college-bound students like you wonder what role they will play at their future schools, aside from their academic studies. It can be difficult to determine what activities you may want to devote yourself to during college.…

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