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OAR Announces 2017 Scholarship Winners

OAR takes great pleasure in announcing the recipients of the Lisa Higgins Hussman Scholarship and Schwallie Family Scholarship for 2017. The two scholarships attracted over 400 applicants and the 39 awards total $120,000. Through this program, OAR has now provided scholarships to 269 students with autism diagnoses – a total financial contribution of $818,500 since…

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Traveling and Autism 1/2

In this original blog, autism professional Elisse Bachman lays a humorous eye on traveling with a family member on the spectrum. This blog is divided in two posts, the second of which will be published next week, on August 9. The beginning….I’d like to say, congratulations if you are traveling with an autistic family member. …

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First Hire Autism Intern Begins Work

OAR welcomed its first Hire Autism intern, Nora Leibold, in mid-June for an internship that will last until the end of August. She will be updating the Hire Autism blog, developing new contacts for the Hire Autism portal, reaching out to applicants who have created Hire Autism accounts, and working on procedural guides. Leibold will be…

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Identifying Disparities in Treatment Access

In 2012, OAR awarded a $30,000 one-year grant to Lucy Bilaver, Ph.D., an assistant professor of health administration at Northern Illinois University’s School of Nursing and Health Studies and an affiliated scholar at Chapin Hall at the University of Chicago. The goal of her study was to identify disparities in access to treatment for young…

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Make the Classroom Accessible

If you are a teacher whose classroom includes students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), it’s critical that you understand ASD and its associated behaviors. What you may see as misbehavior, such as when a child with ASD does not respond to directions, ignores you, or clowns around, may very well be related to ASD. The…

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Doc Tells Story of Swimmers with Autism

“Swim Team,” an award-winning documentary, came out in theaters in New York City, Los Angeles, and select cities around the country in July. The documentary tells the story of Kelvin, Mike, Robert, and their families. The three young men are on the autism spectrum and are part of the same swim team, the Jersey Hammerheads.…

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Constructing a Professional Email

In college, you’ll have to send professional emails. Whether it means emailing a resume to a potential employer or a clarifying question to a professor, it’s important to know how to format your message, what to do, and what not to do. Here are some types of individuals you may send professional emails to: Potential…

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A Love for Dinosaurs

ABA therapy is often an essential part of a child’s with autism’s treatment plan. Through weekly visits, and shared successes, ABA centers often take up a big role in the daily lives of families with members on the autism spectrum. Action Behavior Centers has chosen to share some of these success stories with the OAR community.…

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Roommate Agreements

Want to try establishing an agreement with your roommate(s)? Try using these templates as a starting point.   Editable Roommate Agreement   Printable Roommate Agreement Republished with Permission from Kent State University, Department of Residence Life     More Roommate Agreement Samples    

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Julia is Finally Here

A mother is thrilled to see that Sesame Street’s new muppet, Julia, has autism. She is grateful that mainstream television is showcasing autism in a positive way, and hope it will help children understand autism as a difference, making lives easier for children on the spectrum. This blog post was originally posted on Kate’s blog, the…

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