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Support for Autistic Transgender and Gender Diverse Adults

Transgender/gender-diverse people experience gender dysphoria, a mismatch between their gender identity and sex assumed at birth. Gender dysphoria occurs frequently with autism. In fact, studies report that as many as 22.5 percent of transgender individuals have existing ASD diagnoses and as many as 15 percent of autistic adults report a transgender identity. Depsite those statistics,…

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Tips to Deal with Bullying

This month we are featuring a How To that was originally published in The OARacle in September, 2015. As an autistic self-advocate, I consider myself fairly lucky to have been relatively unaffected by bullying for most of my life. However, it is an unfortunate fact that many other autistics are very likely to be affected…

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New Hire Autism Resources Are Here to Help You

Our world has changed quite a bit since COVID-19 began, including the job market. Though job seekers might not be able to find their dream job at the moment, more opportunities will become available over time. In the meantime, if you are a job seeker, you can work on your job search and the skills…

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What You Need to Know About COVID-19

COVID-19 has caused all of us to adapt to a new normal. People are coping as best they can to the need to stay at home and keep a safe social distance. This new normal can be particularly difficult for families that include children with autism who are uniquely vulnerable to the disruptions caused by…

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Like Mother, Like Daughter

My younger daughter and I were diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) on the same day; she was 2 and I was 39. I didn’t suspect that she was autistic until she started having intense crying fits around 18 months old. I knew that these fits, often lasting 45 minutes, were not simply toddler tantrums.…

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Making Intervention Training Available to Underserved Parents

In November, OAR’s Board of Directors authorized funding for seven new applied autism research studies in 2020. These new grants, totaling $275,000, bring OAR’s total research funding to more than $4 million since 2002. This is the fifth of seven previews to be featured in The OARacle this year. Early access to evidence-based intervention leads…

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#Self-Care for the Busy Mom

“Self-care” is one of those buzzwords that moms hear a lot. The hashtag, #selfcare, has 26.1 million posts on Instagram. But how do we actually make the time for self-care if we care for a child with special needs, are a single parent, work outside the home, have a deployed spouse, or any combination of…

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Preparing Your Young Adult for the Transition to Postsecondary Education

This blog post has been adapted from “Chapter 5: Postsecondary Education” of OAR’s resource “A Guide for Transition to Adulthood”. Although times are still uncertain, many students are making the decision this month to start college next year. Whether classes will be held online, delayed for a later start date, or resume as usual on…

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Meet the New Members of the Scientific Council

OAR recently welcomed three members to its Scientific Council, known informally as SCOAR. SCOAR provides expert information to OAR on matters related to research and current practice, assisting the board of directors in developing its research strategy, objectives, and priorities. SCOAR also oversees the annual research competition and ensures the highest quality reviews for prospective…

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Tune into OAR’s Upcoming Webinars

OAR is hosting two free webinar events in the coming months on the topics of self-determination and travel training. Those who attend the live events will receive a certificate of attendance. Self-Determination: Tips for Including Students in Their Education and Transition Planning Tuesday, April 28, 11 a.m. ET Presenter Deborah Hammer will introduce the fundamental…

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