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5 Self-Advocacy and Self-Acceptance Tips for Autistic College Students

As an autistic college student, how can you endure others’ judgment, discrimination, and misconceptions and find the confidence to be yourself? You can take steps to develop your own support systems that will promote self-advocacy and self-acceptance and help you thrive. Kathleen Burkhardt, an autistic self-advocate and previous winner of the Schwallie Family Scholarship, shared…

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The Importance of Autistic Representation in Film

Film portrayals of autism and other disabilities have enormous power. When neurotypical or non-disabled people see representation of autistic or disabled people in film, it serves as “easy education” — they learn from the messages in the movie. That is why misrepresentation in the film industry regarding autism and other disabilities is a serious issue.…

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Advocacy: The Gift that Keeps Giving

During this time of year, it’s easy for us to get caught up in making multiple trips to retail stores and spending hours online shopping, stressing over finding the perfect gifts for everyone on our list. There is a popular quote from Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas: “It came without ribbons! It came without…

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Free Video Series Can Help Kids be ‘Unstuck and On Target’

The series of free, educational videos is designed to support parents and caregivers tackling common emotional and behavioral topics to help children to stay organized, plan and reach their goals, be flexible thinkers, and  regulate their feelings. Behavioral specialists call these skills executive functioning. By following the tips and skills in the videos, parents can help…

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Pandemic-Related Issues Continue to Affect Education

Compared to the start of school last year, there was much for children and parents to celebrate when the 2021-22 school year started, including the fact that most children could attend school in person and the availability in November of vaccines for children under 12. That good news, however, was complicated by ongoing issues related…

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OAR Announces New Scholarship

OAR’s newest scholarship, the Synchrony Scholarship for Autistic Students of Color, is being made available in partnership with the Disabilities Diversity Network at Synchrony, a Fortune 150 company, as part of their national “Education as an Equalizer” initiative. The Synchrony Scholarship for Autistic Students of Color provides targeted financial support for autistic students of color…

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OAR Congratulates the 2021 Applied Research Grant Recipients

In November, OAR’s Board of Directors approved five new research studies for funding, for a total of $196,272, bringing OAR’s all-time total research funding to more than $4.4 million since 2002. OAR received 137 pre-proposals in the 2021 Applied Research Competition and subsequently invited 47 applicants to submit full proposals. Twenty full proposals were then…

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Preparing Your Child for the Holidays

Winter holidays should be a time of celebration and joy for everyone. However, the holiday season brings hidden stresses for many autistic people. Changes in routines, sensory overload, and increased social demands are just a few of the challenges facing autistic children, teens, and adults during this time of year. Fortunately, many of these challenges…

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Promoting Inclusivity in the Telehealth Movement

The emergency department (ED) is often a chaotic, loud, and, frankly, frightening place. Patients may be yelling; monitors and alarms are continuously sounding off; staff are hurrying around; police officers may be present; and overhead pages are squawking every few minutes. There is very little privacy, with patients often separated by a curtain or even…

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Outpatient Mental Health Crisis Screening

Roughly 70% of autistic children have at least one co-occurring psychiatric diagnosis, and over 30% have two or more. Rates of problem behaviors are also high, with 56% of autistic youth directing aggression toward caregivers and 30% engaging in self-injury. There is also growing evidence that suggests that rates of suicidal ideation and attempts are…

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