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OARacle Newsletter

Congratulations to the 2023 Youth Art Contest Winners

OAR thanks the 74 young artists who submitted their creative artwork to the 2023 Youth Art Contest. We received artwork from young people in 17 states and six countries.  Every entry demonstrated the theme of “community” in a unique and inspiring way.   Congratulations to the winners of OAR’s 2023 Youth Art Contest!   Autistic Youth Category …

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OAR Announces Recipient of 2022 Synchrony Tech Scholarship

Congratulations to Jade Brown, the recipient of OAR’s Fall 2022 Synchrony Tech Scholarship. The Synchrony Tech Scholarship supports autistic adults interested in pursuing or advancing their career in the tech sector by obtaining a technology-related certification. Scholarship award amounts depend on the technology-related certification program and range from $500 to $5,000.  Brown will use her…

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Introducing OAR’s Scholars’ Society

We are excited to announce the creation of our Scholars’ Society and hope to increase the ways in which we can network and connect our scholars with meaningful employment and vocational-oriented opportunities. OAR’s Scholars’ Society for recipients of OAR’s scholarships provides opportunities for personal and professional growth through:  Increasing communication between OAR and the scholars,…

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Let’s Celebrate National Autism Acceptance Month!

At OAR, we support local communities with valuable resources, assist autistic individuals preparing for employment, and raise funds to support autism research studies. Below are some ways you can join our mission and help make a difference. Goal 1: Support the autism community with information resources for autistics, families, educators, and professionals. OAR’s Life Journey…

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Rewatch OAR’s Webinars that Promote Neurodiversity Inclusion

Since 2018, OAR has been pleased to offer free webinars for parents, autistics, educators, and professionals from the autism community. These archived webinars are an excellent way to gain expert information and get answers to your topical questions, with the flexibility to fit your demanding schedule. Check out these webinars discussing neurodiversity inclusion.  Business Practices…

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Welcoming Autistic People to Religious Gatherings

Although religious gatherings can provide a sense of meaning to life and belonging, gatherings may be inaccessible or present barriers that exclude autistic attendees. Organizers of religious gatherings need to be acutely aware of how they may inadvertently create these barriers that exclude people.  Whether you’re a member of a religious organization, assist in running…

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Adapting a Parent Intervention for Korean Speakers

In November, OAR’s Board of Directors authorized funding for seven applied autism research studies in 2023. These new grants, totaling $276,212, bring OAR’s total research funding to more than $4.7 million since 2002. This article is the fourth of seven previews to be featured in The OARacle this year.     Asian Americans constitute the fastest growing demographic…

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Including Neurodiverse Students

Students with autism make up one-fifth of students receiving special education services in the United States, and according to the National Center for Education Statistics, more than half of these students receive special education services in the general education classroom for part or all of the school day. These findings are promising, given the benefit…

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Avoiding Autism Misinformation on Social Media

In 2018, the Pew Research Center reported that social media has surpassed print newspapers as a source of news information in the United States, and more than two thirds of adults use Facebook. Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest, use algorithms to determine the content that is most likely to be of…

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