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OARacle Newsletter

Unlocking Research

For most parents, the autism diagnosis can be challenging, especially when it comes to understanding the details and complexities of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). They are expected to educate themselves on medical details, the range of treatment options, and new approaches to interacting with their child. Understanding a complex disorder such as autism often requires…

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Making the Most of Your Summer Memories: A Sibling’s Perspective

Our family is big on making and celebrating moments. It’s one of those weird things when you’re growing up, and you hear people constantly taking a beat to encourage you to soak in what’s taking place. It usually means a lot of crying. Usually points to plenty of reflecting. Some morbid talk about funerals sneaks…

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Understanding in the Workplace is More Than Accommodations

The lights are too bright. The smell of the carpet is too strong. The white noise machine has the opposite effect. The particulars of a workplace environment can stress an autistic individual from a sensory perspective. It’s likely you’ve already been told that, and maybe you’ve even taken steps to reduce those impacts, or you…

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How to Talk to Your Neighbors About Wandering

During the summer months, children will spend a lot of their free time outside. So, it’s important to have a plan in place to prevent wandering and elopement of children on the spectrum. OAR’s Life Journey Through Autism: A Guide to Safety has useful tips on how to explain autism and your child’s tendency to…

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Navigating Friendship: Tips for Autistic Individuals

As an autistic person who has friendships with both autistic and non-autistic folks, I can say that building successful friendships across the neurodiversity spectrum requires mutual respect, understanding, and a willingness to embrace differences. For me, friendships with other autistic people often come naturally. We share similar experiences and challenges, and we can relate to…

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Including Fathers in Social Communication Interventions

Fathers are a primary communication and play partner for children. They play and talk with children in different ways than mothers do, providing important support for social communication and play development. Despite this critical role in child development, fathers are underrepresented in both autism communication intervention and research. Fathers have described feeling like the “odd…

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Coaching Fathers to Improve Children’s Communication Skills

In November, OAR’s Board of Directors authorized funding for seven applied autism research studies in 2023. These new grants, totaling $276,212, bring OAR’s total research funding to more than $4.7 million since 2002. This article is the sixth of seven previews to be featured in The OARacle this year.   Autistic children have marked deficits in communication…

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Older Autistic Adults at Higher Risk for Health Issues

Two new studies have found older autistic adults are at risk for age-related physical conditions and injuries and are particularly susceptible to certain mental health issues. The studies were presented at the International Society for Autism Research (INSAR) annual meeting, held May 3-6 in Stockholm, Sweden. The research presented is considered preliminary until it is…

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Your Dedication Took Us Over the Finish Line in April!

Earlier this year, OAR laid out a set of ambitious goals to continue engaging community members in celebration of April’s Autism Acceptance Month. OAR staff worked with teachers, parents, clinicians, autistic individuals, employers, and researchers to support their local initiatives and increase autism acceptance. This recap describes what was accomplished in partnership with community supporters…

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Raising Autistic Children

Two fathers, both members of OAR’s RUN FOR AUTISM team, describe what is like to raise autistic children, from diagnosis to achievements to lessons learned and the bonds they have with their children. Opportunities The COVID-19 pandemic created a lot of challenges to navigate, but it also presented new opportunities. At the onset of the…

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