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Safety Tips for Families

Note to readers: In each issue of The OARacle, we provide a helpful resource on a topic of interest within the autism community. This month’s article focuses on safety tips for families affected by autism. Special thanks to Janet Fernandez, who works with the police forces in Sacramento, Calif. to investigate cases of abuse, for…

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On Science, Pseudoscience, and the Mega-Millions Lottery

First, I need to disclose something… on a weekly basis I buy two or three “Mega-Millions” lottery tickets. I do this despite the fact that I fully realize my chances of winning are, effectively, none, zero, zip, nada, zilch. I understand statistics and probability theory and that the only realistic outcome of my behavior is…

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Special Needs Planning: What You Need to Know

Note to readers: In each issue of The OARacle, we provide a helpful resource on a topic of interest within the autism community. This month’s article focuses on special needs planning for families affected by autism. Special thanks to Theresa Waddell for her contribution. No one plans to have a child with special needs. When…

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Social Skills Training for Students with ASD and Their Peers

All social interaction and social problems involve at least two people. Social difficulty can be defined as both a skill deficit for the student with a social disability and a problem of acceptance of that student by peers or the community. Thus, intervention must focus on teaching skills for both the student with a disability…

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The Cycle of Tantrums, Rage, and Meltdowns

Many students with Asperger Syndrome and other autism spectrum disorders (ASD) view school as a stressful environment, presenting several stressors that are ongoing and of great magnitude. Stressors include difficulty predicting events because of changing schedules; tuning in to and understanding teacher directions; interacting with peers; and anticipating differences in environments such as classroom lighting,…

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Community-Based Behavioral Programming for Individuals with Autism: The Drive Toward Inclusion and the Challenge of Making It Work

“Inclusion.” Just mention this one word in the field of autism and developmental disabilities (DD) and battle lines are almost immediately drawn in both the educational and community service arenas. When discussing the development of programming for children and adults with autism and other developmental disabilities who coincidentally present with serious behavioral and/or psychological challenges,…

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