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Changing Attitudes by Demonstrating Abilities

This month’s Perspective columnist is Dr. Temple Grandin. Dr. Grandin is a designer of livestock handling facilities and an Associate Professor of Animal Science at Colorado State University. Facilities she has designed are located in the United States, Canada, Europe, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, and other countries. In North America, almost half of the cattle…

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Transitioning to New Programs for Teens

This article describes a pilot program focused on transitions that adolescents with autism spectrum disorders experience conducted by the Families for Effective Treatment of Autism of Washington. OAR’s President, Dr. Peter Gerhardt, served as a consultant to the project. While set in the Seattle area, it illustrates a programmatic and collaborative approach toward successfully teaching…

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Self-Advocacy As Part of Transition Planning for People with Autism

Transitions can be challenging for everyone because they represent a change from one activity, event, phase, or even different stages of the lifespan cycle. Most people have the benefit of being able to prepare for most changes by thinking them through or having access to resources enabling them to make these transitions. However, sensory distortions…

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Planning Successful Transitions

Everyone must adjust to new environments. Sometimes these adjustments involve adapting to a new school, a new teacher, or other things that are different than what we experienced previously. Transitions can be particularly challenging for individuals with autism spectrum disorders [ASD], as they often experience considerable anxiety when faced with new situations. Moreover, many individuals…

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Effects of Video Modeling on Social Initiations by Children with Autism

Summary: Nikopoulous and Keenan investigated the use of video modeling to increase the social initiations of young children with autism. Three young (ages 7-9 years) boys with previously established diagnoses of autism participated in this study. The authors describe the individuals as “being in the mild to moderate range” of autism as assessed using the…

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Social Skills Slump? Motivating the Desire to Learn

This article is reprinted with permission from the September-October 2005 issue of the Autism Asperger’s Digest, a bimonthly national magazine offering practical, functional information on autism spectrum disorders. More information about the publication is available on their website. John is 3 years old, with very limited language skills. When his parents try to sit and…

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