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OARacle Newsletter

Planning for the Financial Future

As those of us who are family members and caregivers of autistic people begin planning our financial futures, the prospect of a lifelong commitment is daunting. We know we need to do something, but might not know just how to get started. Our family was no exception.  When we started our journey by taking these…

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Training Early Intervention Providers to Screen for ASD

Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, 2004) provides special education services to eligible infants and toddlers from birth until their third birthday. Part C services are mandated to take place within the natural environment, meaning interventions must take place in settings where an infant or toddler naturally spends their time such…

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Why You Should Write a Letter of Intent and How to Do It

This original version of this article appeared on the Maryland Financial Advocates website. It is reposted here with permission from its author.  What would happen if you suddenly became unable to provide your child with the necessary supports he or she needs? Without you, your child would become dependent on other caregivers who do not possess…

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Creating a Supportive Space for Autistic Students in College

If you’ve had the privilege of working with an autistic student in a college setting, you understand how important it is to ensure they feel welcome and included. In this blog post, we’re going to explore why creating an inclusive environment matters for our autistic students, and we’ll share some practical tips for college professors…

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A Guide for Evaluating Research Articles

For most parents, the diagnosis of autism may be emotionally challenging. You may feel overwhelmed by your child’s diagnosis. It is natural and understandable that you feel this way. At the same time, it is important to know that through informed action and the use of appropriate treatments and interventions, you can enhance the quality…

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Financial Planning 101: Providing for an Autistic Child

Receiving a child’s autism diagnosis can be one of those moments in life when a raft of old notions shatters, and you are swept away by a tumultuous new reality. It can be hard to get your bearings and find a way to move forward after your world is turned upside down. You may need…

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Increasing Resiliency in Parents of Autistic Children

In 2018, OAR gave a $2,000 Graduate Research Grant to Sara Spong, who was then a doctoral student at Regent University pursuing a Ph.D. in counselor education and supervision. Her study examined stress and resiliency factors in caregivers of autistic children. The American Psychological Association defines resilience as “the process and outcome of successfully adapting…

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Employment + Financial Planning: A Critical Equation

Employment is one of the most significant structural challenges individuals with autism and those who love them face. According to the 2015 National Autism Indicators Report, issued by Drexel University’s A.J. Drexel Autism Institute, 58% of young people with autism have never worked during their early 20s. In contrast, over 90% of young adults with…

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Where to Go for Financial Information

These resources offer information related to money management and financial preparation for self-advocates and families of autistic individuals and others with disabilities. The ABLE National Resource Center The Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act of 2013 (S. 313/H.R.647) was introduced in the 113th Congress and became law on December 19, 2014. In 2015, the…

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Support OAR by Leaving a Review on GreatNonprofits

If OAR made a positive impact on your experience as a member of the autism community, please help us reach a wider audience and raise funds by reviewing OAR on the GreatNonprofits website. Once you add your review, spread the word to your friends and colleagues. Reviews can be as brief as a few sentences…

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